10 tips to get out of the routine – Online Psychologists

Boredom, apathy, laziness. Is this what you feel when you realize you've fallen into the pit of routine?

Monotony causes these feelings, which in turn immobilize you and prevent you from breaking out of it. Lack of motivation implies passivity and disinterest.

But what is routine?

We all know it. Routine is the series of habits or customs that are repeated continuously over a long period of timeThe person who suffers from it does not introduce variations in his/her daily life, so it ends up reaching the boredom.

The positive aspect of the routine is based on the security that it transmits, away from errors or unexpected situations. On the other hand, innovation already involves a risk.

Factors that create apathy and laziness

  • You don't believe yourself self-efficacious. You do not trust in your efficiency when it comes to achieving objectives or goals.
  • Lack of support from your environment. The lack of interest of others in your emotional health sinks you into demotivation.
  • Have fear of failure, fear of making mistakes. Taking refuge in your comfort zone is the worst decision. You must work on your self-esteem to overcome the anxiety and restlessness that changes and the fear of making mistakes generate in you.

When this emotional state is not punctual, but extends over time, the time has come for a change.

So how can you get out of a rut?

10 keys to abandoning the routine

For Get out of the routine and add some excitement to your life (because yes, we also need that to feel good) you have to make several changes:

  1. Recognize that you have fallen into a routine. Now that you've identified it, think about what you repeat every day that leads you to such a desperate monotony. How did you get to this point? What motivated you to do it?
  2. Reflect on the changes you can make. What do you want? How are you going to achieve it? This way you can understand which repetitive aspects of your routine are bringing you closer to or further away from your goals.
  3. Have healthy lifestyle habits. Nutrition and sleep are essential for our well-being, mental and physical health. Practice the sport you like, without depending on the opinion of others: running, walking, yoga, pilates, fitness, zumba, dancing, martial arts, boxing…
  4. Organize your time and spaceYou can't do everything at any time and in any place. Separating actions and places is the best way to avoid that feeling of continuity that haunts you. Every action has its time and place. For example, don't eat breakfast in your room, don't study lying in bed, limit the hours you watch TV…

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  1. Make the most of your free time to do what you like. What are your hobbies? What activities interest you? Your free time is essential for disconnecting.
  2. Set new goals and plan them. Think of something that motivates you and takes you away from routine: playing sports, learning to dance or play an instrument, going on trips… Don't forget that these goals have to be realistic, that is, achievable. You can start running, but it would be impossible for you to run a marathon. As for planning them, it is best to set a specific goal and mini-objectives that will help you achieve it in the short term, thus taking small (but firm) steps that will gradually bring you closer to the main objective. Even so, sport can also become routine, so it is essential to create a challenge.
  3. There's no point in making plans if you're not going to commit.For this reason, it is not worth giving up if some difficulty appears along the way. You must overcome each obstacle, even if you know that it will cost you effort to do so. Changes do not come by themselves.
  4. Connect with new people and open your mind new experiences. Meeting people will make you learn from them and you will get to know other perspectives on life. It is necessary to have friends, talk to other people, open your mind, listen, learn from others, get inspired…
  5. Make small changes to your environmentwhether it's redecorating your house, changing your clothes (don't wear the same thing in your free time as you do at work), or trying out different styles of music depending on your mood.
  6. Improvise and get out of your comfort zonePlanning is all well and good, but there is a certain amount of room you can leave for improvisation, so you can do whatever you feel like doing when the moment arises. Another option is to explore beyond what you know, like visiting a country with a different culture or doing an activity you've never thought of before. And yes, this involves overcoming your fears of the new, of the different.

Ending apathy and laziness is neither easy nor impossible. What is clear is that, to overcome these feelings, feeling supported is essential. You need understanding, not contempt and criticism that demotivate you even more.

You must understand that there must be harmony between mind and body to find that energy that helps you regain your spirit.

It is also important to remember that behind laziness, apathy and lack of interest there may be diseases such as hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia and psychological disorders such as depression.

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