Somatization: What it is, origin, causes and treatment – Online Psychologists

Somatization is a mental health problem, although it is common for those who suffer from it to believe that they have some type of physical disorder.

We can define somatization as a disorder that consists of transformation of mental problems into physical symptoms or ailmentsPatients who somatize may find it very difficult to find the origin of their problems, since they do not relate physical pain to an emotional disorder.

People who suffer from this disorder tend to go from doctor to doctor, looking for the answer to a problem that is in their head in their body. However, this should not be used to dismiss the physical symptoms experienced by those who somatize as inventions. The pain is as real as the pain caused by a blow.

In addition, somatization is a fairly common problem. It is currently estimated that 5.5% of the world's population suffers from itaccording to data from the Ministry of Health. If you have ever suffered from pain of uncertain origin in a very stressful situation, you may also have somatized.

In consultation it is very common to attend to people who suffer migraines chronically as a result of disorders such as anxiety or depression. Similarly, certain problems that make sexual intercourse difficult They are also commonly the result of somatization.

Why does somatization arise?

The origin of somatization will always be in a mental disorderwhether it is anxiety, stress, depression or anything else. However, not everyone with mental health problems develops a somatization disorder.

If you tend to somatize, you may wonder, why does this happen to me and not others?

Simply explained, the answer is that the key is not whether or not the person experiences some type of mental problem, but rather how you deal with it.

People who somatize often have problems accepting or expressing what they feelThus, when the mind does not have the necessary resources to respond to its emotions, this response is expressed through physical symptoms, such as headache or intestinal discomfort.

How do you know if your pain is somatic or not?

Somatization disorder has some common symptoms. These include:

  • Pain head or abdominal.
  • Joint or muscle pain.
  • Sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, pain, bleeding and even lack of sexual desire.
  • Problems related to the urinary system.
  • Vomiting, nausea and other problems related to gastrointestinal health.
  • General fatigue.
  • Shortness of breath or pain when breathing.
  • Dizziness and weakness.

Experiencing some of these symptoms occasionally does not necessarily mean that you are somatizing. The problem arises when Pain becomes a constantThis is often the time when a patient who somatizes goes to the doctor. However, doctors are often unable to find any physical response to the pain.

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Is it normal to somatize?

It is common for everyone to somatize at some point in their lives. Sometimes, we suffer experiences that are accompanied by peaks of stress, anxiety attacks or even small depressive episodes. When this happens, on time and unexpected, it is normal not to have the tools to deal with it.

For example, it is common to feel a stomach ache before an important test. Cold sweats and intestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea are often common symptoms of nervousness. It is true that at that time Your body somatizes stressbut you shouldn't worry too much.

It is normal to somatize stress in especially difficult situationssuch as opposition, or traumatic, such as the loss of a family member. Although it is an unpleasant sensation, it will not be an indicator of a more serious problem as long as it occurs temporarily.

However, if the symptoms persist over time for more than six months We will be facing a chronic somatization that should be treated with a psychologist.

What is the typical profile of a person who chronically somatizes?

  • Existence of other mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression, which are usually not diagnosed.
  • As for gender distribution, it is usually more common among women than among men. It is estimated that 6.6% of women and 4.3% of men suffer from it.
  • As a general rule Its first manifestations appear before the age of 30although prevalence increases with age.
  • Is Seven times more common among people with fewer resourcessince they are subject to more stress factors.
  • It is common for it to be given by traumatic experiencessuch as sexual abuse or child abuse.
  • People who somatize often feel dissatisfied regarding his own life.
  • Those who suffer from it may have a tendency to emotional dependence.

Can somatization be treated without going to a psychologist?

It is possible to stop somatizing without the help of a psychologist, but it can be extremely difficult. In addition, when somatization is caused by a more serious disorder, such as anxiety and depression, it is highly recommended to address the problem at its root by going to a psychologist. psychological therapy.

However, there are some techniques that you can put into practice if you want to prevent somatization:

  • Allow yourself to feel and freely express your feelings.

Putting a bottleneck on your emotions will not bring you anything good. In fact, it will prevent you from identifying problems in detail and will make you feel a generalized anguish that will most likely be difficult to explain.

At the slightest physical sign, Consider whether you have experienced any changes on an emotional level. that may have disturbed what you feel.

Once you are clear about what the problem is, Don't censor yourselfnor block your thoughts on the subject. Remember that, even if you do not have any mental health professionals in your environment, the simple fact of Talking to someone about your problems can ease the burden. Also, if you give yourself the opportunity to talk about it with other people, it is more likely that together you will find a solution to put an end to what worries you.

Although it is easier said than done, you have the possibility to change your way of thinkingand perhaps that is precisely the key to ending somatization once and for all.

Have a positive attitude It is essential to relieve the mental burden. However, it can be extremely difficult if you are used to seeing the negative side of things. Don't worry. Some practices, such as making a list of the details that have brightened your day, can help you change the perspective with which you face your day to day.

Change your attitude towards others and stop living subsumed by resentment, anger and the rest of the negative emotions that poison your daily life.

And remember that as important as changing your attitude towards others is change the way you treat yourself. Try not to blame yourself for everything bad that happens to you. It is true that we all make mistakes from time to time, but to err is human.

Furthermore, many of the things that happen to you are probably caused by external agents that were not in your hands to control. Forgive your mistakes and be understanding with yourself It will help you develop better self-esteem and reduce stress. And, who knows, maybe that will be the key to stop somatizing.

  • Try to have healthy habits

Filling your routine with healthy habits is one of the keys to addressing any mental health problem. For example, it has been shown that a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to our mental health.

It has also been shown that Sport can be your best ally against stress. This happens because when we exercise our body releases adrenaline: adrenaline makes the heart pump more blood and the muscles receive more oxygen than normal, causing a feeling of euphoria.

Also, when you exercise your body also releases endorphinsthe well-known happiness hormones, which multiply when you experience pleasurable sensations.

Eating healthy also has a huge impact on your mental health. However, not all self-care has to be physical. Aside from taking care of yourself on the outside, It is essential that you take care of your emotionsthat you express them and that you give yourself space to feel them.

There is nothing wrong with feeling sad or discouraged, and there is nothing wrong with crying either. The worst thing you can do is deny what you feel, because that is when you are more likely to somatize.

Remember that human beings We need the affection and presence of others and take advantage of the benefits of living in society.

Talking to your friends or family about how you feel, or distracting yourself by spending time with them, can help you manage your emotions in a healthy way.

If somatization does not go away with the help of your loved ones, remember that there are trained professionals to help you. psychologist has the knowledge necessary to treat your emotional problems. In addition, he can give you the tools you need to manage your emotions in the future so that somatization will never be a constant problem in your life again.

Psychological therapy: the best remedy against somatization

If you go to your GP for physical pain and he or she is unable to find the source of the problem, it is very likely that the diagnosis has to do with somatization. If this happens, try not to reject your doctor's advice.

It is normal to feel scared the first time you are referred to psychological careespecially when you are convinced that you have a physical problem. However, you must remember that our health system is full of highly professional doctors who would not recommend that you go to a psychologist if they did not suspect that the origin is in the mind.

A good psychologist will listen carefully to everything you have to tell him about it and will make a diagnosis based on what you talk about during the first session. As a general rule, the cognitive behavioral therapy It usually has excellent results in the treatment of somatization.

Your psychologist will never judge you. Also, because he or she will be familiar with the symptoms of somatization disorder, will not underestimate physical ailments that causes you. First of all, he will try to discover what is the origin of the somatization.

Once the factors that have caused the problem have been discovered, it will provide you with techniques and tools to correctly express your emotions. In addition, he or she can teach you practical exercises to manage stress in a healthy way. This way, he or she will not only be dealing with the current problem, but will also provide you with the necessary help so that you can deal with future problems on your own.
