The best way to deal with a person who gets offended by everything

It is likely that in your life you have come across someone who gets offended by everything and you never know how to deal with this person, or rather, how to say things to them. For many, discussing certain topics with these people can be difficult or stressful because they don't know how they will take things.

Why do some people get offended by everything?

Sometimes it is difficult for us to tell things to someone, or to talk to that person for fear of how he will react. This is very common, especially in delicate situations, which are supposed to affect or involve a change for people. However, there are people who are especially sensitive, who tend to get offended by many things.

These people are not offended by everything because everything you do or say is wrong, affects or attacks them, that is, because you are the 'bad guy'. But because They feel that everything is an attack against them.

The cause is usually low self-esteem. These people tend to feel attacked by any comment you make that has to do with them, even if it is not said in a negative or malicious way. This is because they see themselves as worthy of attack, and are predisposed to think that people will attack them.

The lack of self-esteem, self-love and insecurities They prevent her from accepting herself and cause her to misinterpret the message in such a way that she feels attacked by it.

All of this makes these people feel attacked and react in a negative, defensive manner, making it difficult for us to deal with them.

If you have such a person close to you and their reactions make you feel bad, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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Tips for dealing with a person who gets offended by everything

In order to deal better with these people when discussing certain topics, we must keep in mind that we must be tactful when speaking. We recommend:

  • Talk to him in a positive wayIt is very important that she does not feel attacked by what you are saying, soften what you say a little, include positive messages so that she does not take it as an attack.
  • Know the person wellYou need to know the person well, so you know which topics you can deal with better than others, what might offend them more, what you need to be more delicate with. This will make it easier for you to communicate with that person and make it easier for both of you.
  • Do it with love and respect.If you are going to criticize something he has done, constructive criticism, do it in a way that he does not feel attacked, be tactful with him and let him see that you also admire many other things he does, so that not all the message is negative.
  • Praise his successes. Acknowledge your mistakes as well as your successes. If you only tell him the bad things, he will feel constantly attacked by you. If you value what he does well, he will be able to understand that when you tell him that something has not gone as it should, you do it out of love and because you want the best for him and for him to learn from the situation.
  • Be tactful when telling him things. When you are going to talk to that person about something that you think they might be irritated about, be tactful and kind. One case in which you have to be especially careful is if you are going to let them see that, in fact, they are a very sensitive person. It doesn't have to be a problem to tell them this, but the way you say it will have an influence, since they will tend to feel attacked when they are criticized.

Go to a professional psychologist

The therapy is The best method to be able to work on insecurities that lead you to be such a sensitive person. If even people who speak to you respectfully manage to offend you, the best thing you can do is put yourself in the hands of a professional to be able to manage your emotions and, therefore, work towards your well-being.

A professional psychologist has the necessary skills to help you and, through the sessions, be able to work with you on your insecurities, self-love, so that you feel better and better and learn to see situations better, accept them and accept criticism better, for example.

At we have an excellent team of professional psychologists who can help you. More than 1,600 people have already contacted us. Make an appointment and you can be seen by a specialist through our counseling sessions. online therapythe First briefing is free.