Psychological traumas: what they are, causes and types that exist – Online Psychologists

Our way of being and the way we behave in our daily lives are largely the result of situations we have experienced in the past. Sometimes it is a matter of disturbing moments that we have had to live through without wanting it and that have left us marked forever. Online therapy can be the best solution to combat this type of situation and in today's article we will tell you everything you need to know about psychological trauma.

What is psychological trauma?

Traumas are psychological disorders caused by a serious situation or experience in which the affected person does not know how to cope. They can be of minor or major severity, producing an intense state of discomfort, anxiety, fear… and causing damage to mental health for years.

They are generally produced from fortuitous wayThese are situations that you would not like to be involved in, but unfortunately you have to live through them. The most common traumas are childhood traumas (which we will explain later) because they are the moment when our conscience begins to form and we start to realize things.

Causes of psychological trauma

When you are faced with a unexpected situationin addition to being traumatic, your brain goes into shock and this is probably when psychological trauma develops. There are various causes and beginnings that can trigger trauma, but those that cause the most damage are those caused by people we love, from whom we do not expect betrayal or abuse, since we have placed our trust and love in them.

Types of psychological traumas according to the situation

There are many types of psychological trauma, whether caused by another person, by natural disasters, related to childhood, abuse, breakups, physical/psychological abuse… Below we detail the main types of trauma:

Natural traumas

Also called accidental trauma. These are referred to the type of trauma in which the human being does not intervene. There is no intention to cause harm but it is put into risk the life of the individual. Some examples may be the natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods… Or car accidents, plane accidents, fires…

Interpersonal traumas

As in the previous case, these traumas put the individual's life at risk but this time they are situations produced by humans. They tend to be more painful because there is someone to blame, unlike a disaster in which nature is to blame. Some situations that we could classify as this type of trauma are those produced by violencewhether criminal, sexual or physical abuse such as battering or terrorist actions.

The traumas due to omission of help would also fall within this classification. Silence the abuse It confuses the victim and makes her feel insecure and unprotected in the face of danger. An example could be the silence of a mother in the face of the abuse that her husband inflicts on her own daughter, in which the minor does not understand the reason for this silence. That is why in this type of trauma it is also necessary to deal with the feelings that the victim has towards her aggressor.

Childhood traumas

It is at this time that traumas appear in most people. Here they begin to to form our knowledge and the experiences we live are responsible for establishing our personality and our way of acting in the future. That is why trauma at an early age has a great weight throughout our livesSome examples we can find are: separation of parents resulting from continuous arguments in which the minor is aware; physical, emotional or sexual abuse; living surrounded by situations in which substance abuse, mistreatment and violence abound, etc.

Traumas from sexual abuse, physical and psychological abuse

These types of traumas can be linked to childhood or adulthood. Sexual abuse is a terrible experience and very difficult to overcome since the victim wants to erase it from his memory and makes it even more complex. In the case of physical abuse, we find beatings, blows, torture, bullying…that lead to psychological violenceThe blows that the victim may receive will generate feelings of anxiety, fear and low self-esteem and what appear to be only blows, in the long run cause trauma due to psychological abuse.

Types of trauma according to their frequency

Apart from those explained above, another way of classifying traumas is according to duration or frequency with which these happen.

  • Type I trauma: They refer to specific situations in life. Acts that had a strong impact on the individual's life and that have marked him as a person.
  • Type II trauma: These are situations that occur in a very short time but last longer.
  • Type III trauma: We are dealing with situations that have occurred in childhood and that affect the individual in the long term. Fear and anxiety take hold of the person and haunt them throughout their life.

Overcoming a traumatic situation It is not an easy task and not everyone can do it alone. Knowing how to identify trauma is key to understanding how certain people act. At we have a team of team of expert psychologists. Make an appointment and we will help you leave behind the memories that torment you the most.

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  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
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  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.