Self-harm in adolescence: everything you need to know for its treatment – Online Psychologists

The self-harm It is a non-suicidal act by which the individual proceeds to damage your body to face a painwhether due to emotional problems, anger or frustration. Self-harm causes a momentary feeling of release and calm.

Some signs of self harm can be:

  • Wounds, cuts, scratches, bruises, burns or other marks
  • Wear long sleeves or long pants when it's hot
  • Common accidental injuries
  • Difficulty relating and integrating
  • Instability, impulsiveness and unpredictability
  • Statements and signs of helplessness or hopelessness

Self-harm is usually done on the arms and legs, but can be done anywhere on the body. body.

Risk factors in adolescence

There is no specific age for self-harm, Although it is true that most people who do it are teenagers or not very old adults. Self-harm begins in the years preceding adolescence because it is the stage of life in which situations are experienced with more emotion and adolescents feel pressured by the conflicts from their surroundings (definition of their personality, studies, teachers, parents, friends, making important decisions, etc.)

Factors that influence the initiation of self-harm

Some of the influencing factors in the decision to self-harm as indicated Mayo Clinic are:

  • Having problems throughout life. There may be several cases: social problems (isolation), sexual abuse, bullying, personal identity, sexuality or other traumatic events.
  • Predominance of negative feelings such as hopelessness, instability, anger, impulsiveness, hostility and inability to solve problems.
  • Family instability. Especially if there are problems of coexistence and lack of support or affection in family relationships.
  • Any mental health related disorderPeople who self-harm often have difficulty dealing with life's difficulties and resort to constant self-criticism. In addition, there may be mental disorders involved in this act of self-harm, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, personality disorders, etc.
  • The consumption of alcohol and drugsIts abusive use as well as addictions lead to self-harm under its influence.
  • People around who self-harmHaving friends who do it can be a start to imitate it.

Treatment of self-harm in adolescence

According to the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatrySelf-harm is treated through the following therapies:

1. Problem-solving therapy

It is clear that the person who self-harms has serious problems facing problems and their resolution, so a psychologist will help him in three phases. First, the identification and definition of the problems. Second, the proposal of solutions to these problems through brainstorming or brainstormingAnd third, the decision of the best solution following a cognitive-behavioral character.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This is one of the most common therapies in Psychology, in which the patient analyses various situations involving behaviour and mood. Thus, with the help of the psychologist, work is done to change the patient's cognitive behavioural thoughts about suicide.

3. Social skills training

With the help of psychological therapy and the supervision of a professional, adolescents must be able to communicate with those people with whom they have the most differences. In this way, they will gain more confidence in themselves, improve their self-esteem and the confidence with which they make decisions, progressively reducing injuries.

4. Recognition and control of anger

Controlling those feelings of anger will prevent the act of self-harm.

Family therapy is sometimes recommended to resolve possible inter-family conflicts and thus improve communication between all family members.

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Is self-harm linked to suicide?

Self-harm does not necessarily have to be related to suicide. In fact, the individual who wants to commit suicide will express it out loud, either directly or indirectly.

As explained by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP)the main difference between these two gestures is that self-harm is committed by response to emotional states based on despair, anger or anguish. Suicidal acts, on the other hand, are linked to chronic feelings of hopelessness.

Photo: Wikipedia

The methods used in self-harm are not sufficient to cause death. There is awareness that this behaviour does not pose a threat to their lives. It is not about drawing attention, but about asking for help.

However, there are other types of actions to take into account, such as jumping from dangerous places, reckless driving, etc. These behaviors that do involve a greater risk may hide hidden suicidal intentions.

Is prevention possible in the case of self-harm?

There are no concrete ways to prevent self-harm from a loved one, but as parents, family members, teachers, friends, etc. we can intervene.

The first thing is identify the person who is self-harming and offer help. At we help you understand the situation and treatment options with a totally free video call therapy session.

Afterwards, you need to feel connection with others because she believes she is alone, isolated. She needs to improve her social skills.

Also, it is very important raise awareness about this problem that thousands of people experience, in order to find out what the solutions are signs that someone is self-harming and how to intervene.

Once a case of self-harm has been discovered, it is necessary warn to parents or other adults.

Finally, we must not forget the importance of the media communication, which can give visibility to this problem and, unintentionally, encourage it. It is necessary to apply a responsible coverage.

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