Types of life crises: how to know if you are really in that phase – Online Psychologists

Jaime, 35, a well-known lawyer in the city, suddenly sees his world crumble before his feet when he is unjustly accused of having committed illegalities in reference to his latest case.

This leads to his disqualification and serious personal consequences, including relationship problems. From that moment on, nothing will be the same in Jaime's life.

Even when two years later it is discovered that the accusation was false, and Jaime decides to take action, it is already too late for everyone: for his marriage, for his daughter, for his family, for himself… Does Jaime need to see a psychologist online?

What is a vital or existential crisis?

We went through a life crisis when we cannot face the events that occur in our lives with the resources we had up to that moment. One of the clearest examples: the teenager who no longer “likes” his body, an unexpected breakup with a partner, a change of job, a move to a new city, the sudden death of a family member… In many other cases Life crises are linked to complex decision makingwhich make us doubt whether we are doing the right thing.

In any case, a life crisis is not always related to a divorce, choosing a career, moving to another city or country, getting married, having children or an illness, as we usually see in the psychologist consultation.

In fact, our entire life cycle is discontinuous, with different moments in which we face new challenges, which are moments of change but also of opportunity, of searching for meaning for our existence.

If we get overcome the life crisis We learn something that will help us in the next crisis. We should be aware that along the path of our existence there are small, medium and large crises. It is up to us to decide whether we accept their existence, try to learn and move on to the next one or whether we prefer to be fond of the crisis and feel unhappy for having suffered a crisis.

“You only lose when you stop fighting” (Toro Belisario)

Are all life crises the same? Types of existential crises

No, according to Slaikeu, a life crisis, also known as an existential crisis, can be of several types, classified as:

1) Development crises, predictable or expected. They occur throughout our life cycle and cause emotional and cognitive disorders.

  • Life crises in childhoodIt is important for children to have adequate socialisation, both primary (in the family) and secondary (at school). Cases of bullying or cyberbullying are an example of a crisis, as is the divorce of parents – especially if it has been conflictive – the loss of loved ones, and even suffering from the syndrome of the spoiled child.
  • Life crises in adolescence and youth. According to UNICEF, 70% of mental disorders begin before the age of 24. And, according to one of the latest WHO studies carried out in health centres in 15 countries around the world, the highest prevalence found was: 10.4% depression, 7.9% generalised anxiety disorder and 2.7% alcohol dependence. Given the tendency towards isolation caused by the overwhelming presence of new information and communication technologies, it is necessary for our teenagers to have tools that allow them to relate to the world outside their mobile, computer or tablet screen and create a strong and healthy social network.
  • Life crises in adulthood. It is considered the most stable period of the life cycle. At this stage, supposedly, the individual has managed to achieve personal and professional stability that allows him to be an active part of society. However, given the possibility that stress may overwhelm us, it is important to create ourselves “desert islands«Time slots during the week, exclusively for us, in which we can do our favorite enjoyable activities.
  • Life crises in old age. It is important to learn to face retirement and take advantage of the new free time to do activities that we had been putting off in previous stages due to lack of time.

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2) Circumstantial, accidental, unforeseeable or unexpected crises. Psychological and behavioural disorders due to a loss – real or possible – of physical, psychosocial and sociocultural aspects. Thus, we refer to:

  • Separation and/or divorce.
  • Economic failure and material losses.
  • Death and loss of loved ones.
  • Physical and psychological illnesses.
  • Unemployment and adaptation to new work.
  • Sexual abuse and rape.

These “bumps” in life are characterized by:

  • Sudden onset.
  • We cannot anticipate it.
  • It can be massive (a catastrophe that affects many people at once).
  • It can make a person better or worse.

Do you feel identified? We recommend consult a psychologist to help you guide your steps and prevent the situation from getting worse. At we also help you, if you prefer, through online therapy with our team.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.