The emotional bond and its importance in the relationship with your children: security and trust – Online Psychologists

The emotional relationships The relationships we have with people close to us, such as our partners, close friends, parents or siblings, are different from those we have with co-workers or neighbours because of the feeling of closeness, mutual trust and how much they mean to us. Building a proper bond involves openly expressing the affection we feel, make the person feel loved and accepted both for the qualities we like about it and for those we don't. It involves creating spaces of intimacy, dedicating time and actively getting involved in achieving the well-being of the other, listening to each other, hugging each other.

The Main linking figures for boys and girls They are the people who take charge of their care and protection, whether or not they are their biological parents. This process occurs during the daily interaction between the child and their caregivers (when the adult responds to the basic needs of care, affection and protection) but it does not last on its own; it is necessary to nurture it and dedicate time to it throughout our lives.

The emotional bonds that are created in the first years of life They are essential in building our identity and our emotional balance. Although children are totally dependent on their caregivers at birth, as they grow and become more independent they continue to need their affection and unconditional support.

The image we build of ourselves is a reflection of what our loved ones give us back and it conditions the relationships we have with others, our self-esteem and the way we deal with problems. A healthy emotional bond with your son or daughter will guarantee future relationships of trust, will provide the child with greater self-confidence and will serve as a “lifeline” when conflicts arise.

It allows children to develop mental patterns from an early age in which they associate their parents with feelings of security, affection and tranquility, thus perceiving the world as a friendly and non-threatening environment.

The bond is not a rigid and unalterable phenomenon In human relationships, it can change depending on the social context, the family, the time of life and the person with whom the relationship arises. It is possible that a child establishes an insecure bond with his or her mother or father during his or her early childhood, but there is the possibility that it will change, becoming more secure and stable if there is a will and real commitment on the part of the adult to improve the relationship. What the boy and the girl learn is what prevails over time, what has been repeated with their main bonding figures throughout their life.

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