How to convince my parents to let me go to the psychologist – Online Psychologists

It is often difficult to admit that you need professional help to solve a problem. Other times, it is difficult to express it to the people around you and receive support. Go to the psychologist When you are a minor, there are other obstacles, such as the fact that it requires the written authorization from both parentsbut today we are going to tell you how to convince your parents to let you go.

Can a minor go to a psychologist without telling their parents?

The first thing you need to know is that if you are a minor and want to go to a psychologist You need your parents' consent. A psychologist cannot treat you without this authorization. In these cases, it is possible to go to a family doctor so that he can intervene, perhaps, in the problem. It will be a way of being with your parents and talking about what worries you in a «health environment.»

However, you can always talk to your parents and tell them the situation so that convince them that you think you need psychological helpHow can you do it? Here are some tips.

7 tips to convince your parents to go to the psychologist

1. Be direct and show confidence in your words

The best way to explain your situation is be direct and explain to them without beating around the bush the reason why you feel you need to speak to a professional. Describe the moment you are experiencing and the reasons that have led you to make this decision.

Be blunt and show peace and securityYou know better than anyone what is good for you, so conveying firmness in your words will convince your parents that it is a good solution.

2. Not explaining your reasons does not take away your credibility.

Many times the reason for going to a consultation is because not knowing the cause of the discomfort. Yeah You don't know how to explain the reasons For those reasons you want professional help or simply don't know, don't worry. Not explaining it won't take away your credibility.

Describe your symptoms, discomfort, and thoughts. Tell your parents that You don't feel well and you don't know how to express itIt's a complicated situation, but let them know that you really need to solve this situation, since you haven't been able to do it on your own.

3. Stay calm and explain what you can.

Telling people that you need outside help sometimes opens up a debate or an interrogation. Don't let them question your decision or your situation. If you are sure that going to a psychologist will be beneficial for you, explain your reasoning. If your parents are not willing to listen to you, end this conversation by remaining calm. You can bring up the subject again later.

4. Don't let them minimize your problems

Just as they can question your decision, they can also downplaying the reason for wanting to see a psychologistIt is common to hear phrases like “being busy ultimately means being stressed, it's normal”, “at your age these types of feelings are normal, it's okay”, “don't be exaggerated, it's just a phase, it will pass”.

If you get those kinds of responses that minimize your problems, try to let them know that These situations and difficulties are harming you and you don't know how to handle them.Asking for help is not bad and having the guidance of a specialized person is beneficial for you to be well.

5. Plan your speech

It's normal that if you're nervous about expressing your idea you might stutter or explain yourself poorly. That's why you can plan the speech you're going to give them to convince them. Create a conversation thread in which you do not leave any information out.

You can look for information on the topic and even make a presentation so they know that it is not a fleeting idea, but a very well thought out decision. Just like showing firmness, showing interest in this issue will also help you convince them.

Teaching them that it is becoming more common to go to a psychologist and presenting them with economic alternatives can convince them.

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6. Don't overthink it and just do it.

Don't go around in circles and take action. Sit your parents down and start the conversation. Don't let the moment pass if you feel that it is urgent to ask for help. The more time passes, the more recurrent and severe the symptoms will be..

Be brave and tell them about the situation. Express all your feelings and the reasons why you believe that a psychologist is part of the solution.

7. Choose a good time

Choose the best time to tell your parents that you need a psychologist. By best time we mean a relaxed state in which they can maintain a long, relaxed conversation. Don't do it when they are in a hurry or distracted.

This talk It requires attention and you have to express yourself calmly. so it is appropriate that you do it at home in an intimate moment.

Although it may seem difficult to explain the situation to your parents, it is best to do so as soon as you feel appropriate. Convincing them that you need psychological help is not impossible. communication They will end up knowing what is best for you to solve your problems.

To begin psychological treatment you can count on , where the first session is free. If your parents' rejection is caused by the price of psychological sessions, the Online therapy is more affordable and accessible to a wider audience. Don't hesitate to take action now, request your free appointment.