How can I develop empathy? – Online Psychologists

Society tends to classify and group us into groups, according to what interests us, what we like or what we are passionate about. Despite being in large and numerous groups, we are lonelier than ever. lack of empathy It affects every aspect of life, undoubtedly making it worse. Learning to develop empathy will help you improve your life and the lives of others.

What is empathy and what are its characteristics?

Experts define empathy as the ability to identify with someone and put oneself in their placeAn empathetic person understands and comprehends the feelings that others express, even when they are having a bad time.

Empathy is considered one of the pillars of emotional intelligence. A type of intelligence that encompasses the ability to relate appropriately with others, as well as the capacity to know oneself and others.

Empathetic people often stand out for being compressive. And they are also good at giving support and practicing active listening. Their characteristics include:

  • Sensitivitybecause understanding what the other person feels means being familiar with those feelings and emotions.
  • Active listening, which consists of paying attention and making an effort to understand what the other person is saying.
  • The absence of extremism, Empathetic people are not usually in favour of radical solutions. On the contrary, they usually try to consider all options in order to arrive at the best solution.
  • Respect and tolerance, which lead them to understand the decisions made by others, even when they would have acted differently.
  • Understanding nonverbal communication. Often you don't even have to say it for someone who is empathetic to notice. A gesture or a small change in intonation is enough for them to understand that something is happening.
  • The touch, which leads them to say things in a calm and respectful manner.

If you want to learn to develop empathy but don't know how to do it, contacting an online psychologist can help you.

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How can we develop empathy?

  • Practice active listening: conveys to the person you are talking to that you are understanding his message. Whether by maintaining eye contact, nodding, or asking questions about the thread of the conversation.
  • Banish prejudices: Instead of judging people based on their appearance or their friendships, wait until you get to know them before forming an opinion about them.
  • Practice good communication: pay attention to non-verbal communication, respond in an affectionate and appropriate tone so that the other person does not feel offended, and listen to what they have to say.
  • Understand yourself: to be empathetic with others you must understand yourselflisten to yourself and analyze how you have acted. If you do not understand your feelings, it will be very difficult for you to understand what others are going through.

One of the exercises that can help develop empathy is to write down a person's name and answer different questions, with the aim of The goal is to find out where you are and whether you understand their thoughts.:

  • What is the type of existing relationship? It is a work relationship, friendship or love, how long have you known each other…
  • What situations do you find difficult? It's hard to be empatheticNot all situations are the same, there are certain more sensitive issues in which we find it difficult to understand what leads someone to think or act that way.
  • What does the other person do to make you there is a wall among yourselves? Analyze the actions that may bother you or that do not help you understand the other person.
  • What makes you feel when you interact with her? Ask yourself if it makes you feel good or bad, the different emotions that the dialogue with that person provokes in you.
  • Why that person is acting like this? Check if any of your comments or actions may be causing that negative or positive reaction.
  • In what situations you act the same way that person? Maybe what bothers you about that person is because you see your defects reflected in the other.
  • Adopt the way of building the other person's reality. Finally, evaluate what the other person thinks about the relationship you have and the future of your relationship.

What is maximum empathy or misunderstood empathy?

The maximum empathy It can be a dangerIt is impossible to be empathetic with everyone and at all times. An example is that we should not be empathetic and put ourselves in the place of a murderer or a thief.

That extreme empathy can bring negative consequences such as a deterioration of one's personality or mood swings (from extreme despondency to histrionic happiness). The type of people who can develop this disorder are usually dependents: They want to reinforce their external image by helping others.

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