9 phrases that will help you get over a breakup – Online Psychologists

A breakup implies a suffering immense. If you have broken up with your partner and feel like you can't move on, it will be very good for you. read.

Motivational messages and advice given to you by those who understand how you feel can become the best medicine to heal the pain of the heart. There is no better remedy than words from someone who has been through the same thing as yousince it speaks to you from experience.

In a breakup, both parties suffer. However, there is always someone who has it worse. The breakup can be caused by multiple factorsThe reasons can range from a infidelity to a lack of concern or not having the same expectations in life.

But almost all breakups have one thing in common: the existence of pain. You may now think that this pain will never go away. However, with the help of an online psychologist you can learn to manage the grief of losing your partner.

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Phrases you might appreciate hearing after a breakup

Heartbreak is a feeling that causes a lot of pain, so much so that the term “heartbreak” was created.broken heart”. I wish there was an instant solution to end that suffering, to forget about that person as quickly as possible and start over from scratch. But reality is different and, fortunately or unfortunately, the memories will always be there.

Time will help you heal little by littleIt won't cure you, it will help you become stronger and get used to being alone. It will turn all that pain into just another memory.

When you feel heartbroken, it is good to read phrases that encourage you. Here are some that will surely make you reflect and feel a little better.

  1. Learn that love is not begged for.
  2. You must learn to let go of what was holding you back.
  3. It may be the right person, but the timing may be wrong.
  4. Sometimes fate decides for both, and no matter how much you want it, it can't be.
  5. Taking the step of separating when there is nothing left is also a reflection of your progress.
  6. Your happiness depends on you.
  7. “Love comes when you least expect it, and it often leaves without warning. There are signs that often We avoid seeingbecause we have become accustomed to hands, to a smell, to a voice… to a person. But it is not our fault if at some point our heart decides to stop feeling love towards what sparks used to fly. Nor should we feel guilty if the other person stops feeling that way about us (unless we have done something that led to that, or vice versa).
  8. Life is stages And in all of them people will come and go to teach us a lesson: some will hurt more, others will come with laughter, and others will be more intense than the rest. Whoever stays with you, is always you.” – Luna Javierre.
  9. Respect for ourselves and our values ​​must come before any fear or desire to please.

Remember that It's normal to feel sad for a while.. We've all been through grief at some point. However, don't let sadness get the better of you. If you feel like you can't get through it alone, seek help from a mental health professional.

At we offer you the opportunity to get in touch with one of our psychologists. Through online therapy you will be able to be happy again and start a new stage that will give you thousands of new experiences.