What is Breadcrumbing? The new way of flirting that is sweeping social networks – Online Psychologists

Have you ever been asked? BreadcrumbingYou may not know what it is, but it is a more common practice than you might think.

This is a way to flirt through social networks where one person maintains just enough contact to keep the other hooked, without making any progress or commitment. This seemingly harmless trend can have serious effects on mental health from the other party, who may end up feeling used and even manipulated.

What is the breadcrumbing?

Breadcrumbing is based on sending out signals that denote romantic interest by another person, so that he or she maintains hope that the relationship will move forward.

However, whoever does this knows that the relationship will not prosper: he only wants have someone available in case you feel like having companywhen all other plans fail.

The term, which comes from English, means to throw breadcrumbsIt's aptly named, as breadcrumbing is a way of entertaining people by throwing emotional crumbs until the other person gets hooked. This type of behavior can lead to problems such as obsession or anxiety. If you think you're a victim of breadcrumbing, don't wait to get used to it, cut it out at the root.

Who does it?

People who do bread crumbing They are usually found within a profile and some guidelines:

  • Insecure person She wants to feel good about herself, boost her ego, fill an emotional void, play, know how important you are to her, etc. She will talk to you when you upload a photo that she finds pretty or sexy, when you are partying, or when she is bored.
  • His behavior is meaningless. It is incoherent, illogical and discordant. You will not understand his attitude, and you will think that you are the one who has to do something to make him change.
  • He wants to have you there, but nothing more. Avoid talking about feelings if you have them, because they won't be interested in them and it will only serve to make them know that you will continue to be there in exchange for nothing.
  • He will write infrequently, Very occasionally. Maybe once a day, once a week… They don't make any effort to improve communication, even if you try. That message is to remind you that they are there, just in case.
  • He flirting is only through social media. You are not going to meet in person unless that person wants to and you accept, so there is no face to face interaction, only through the screen.

The profile of the victims

Among those affected, a profile of people who are unsure of themselves, sensitive, kind, willing to be there for others when needed.

The victims are understanding and tolerant, to the point of consenting to behaviors that are harmful to them. In addition, they are often people who need to fill an emotional void, perhaps due to having been part of a toxic relationship in the past.

How to act in a case of breadcrumbing?

The most advisable thing is that cuts all contact as soon as you realize that the other person is not really interested in having a relationship.

Talking to her will not only get you nowhere, but will have negative consequences in your life. For example, many victims of breadcrumbing develop dependence on their mobile phones, because they spend hours and hours waiting for a message that may never arrive.

You may not be able to find the strength to get away from that person on your own. In that case, there is no point in feeling guilty. Breadcrumbing is usually a manipulative person who is very difficult to get rid of. A psychologist will certainly give you the tools you need to cut it off and forget about that person.

Make an appointment

Do you think you are a victim of breadcrumbing and don't know what to do? Cut off the relationship with a professional psychologist.

Make an appointment

How a psychologist helps you overcome it

Going to therapy can be very beneficial for your mental health.

Having professional help will help you value yourself, as well as establish the limits that others must respect in order to interact with you without harming you. Not everything is worth it, and you can't stand anything that harms you. Keep in mind that this game may end up affecting your mental health.

It will also remind you that you don't want such a relationship in your life. It will help you to analyze what is happening from the outside and you realize that you have to stop it as soon as possible.

In short, a psychologist will help you get out of this unpleasant situation. At we are at your disposal.