Emotional infidelity: How can I overcome it? – Online Psychologists

People, when we hear the word infidelity, tend to think of the physical realm. That is, actions related to sex or physical intimacy. However, emotional infidelity It exists and, furthermore, it occurs much more frequently than its physical counterpart.

An emotional infidelity is much easier to occur. It is a most subtle way to break the commitment of a love relationshipIn fact, some people do it without realizing it. However, it is worth noting that there are people who do it deliberately and are aware of the damage they are causing.

What is emotional infidelity?

It is a type of infidelity in which the behavior breaks the conditions of the couple It has nothing to do with the sexual realm.

This is a deception based on intimate interactions outside the sphere of sexual affection. We could say that it is a phenomenon through which an emotional bond is established with a third person behind the partner's back.

However, it is quite common for emotional infidelity to evolve into other forms of infidelity. In these, steps are already being taken towards physical and sexual contact, although it is not necessary for this to happen for it to be observed that there is already a problem in the relationship.

The phenomenon of emotional infidelity, like other types of infidelity, usually involves the existence of a crisis in couple relationshipsThis crisis is caused by the breakdown of the agreements on which the relationship is based.

For this reason, even if the approach does not go beyond the emotional, it already entails damage that will significantly influence the emotional bond and coexistence.

Sometimes it is not very clear what exactly this type of infidelity is. The most characteristic examples that usually occur are the following:

  • Flirting with another person through social networks.
  • Seeking out someone other than your partner to get to know them better, always with a romantic interest in mind.
  • Befriending someone you have feelings for to be closer and hide the fact that you have a partner from them.
  • Proposing a date or a romantic plan to someone who is not your partner.
  • Maintain an emotional bond beyond friendship with your ex-partner.
  • Comparing your current partner to someone else you feel special about.
  • Not being honest with your partner, hiding or omitting information.

All these actions are behavioral patterns that people who are committing emotional infidelity do. In most cases, these behaviors occur because the person committing infidelity feels that their relationship is subject to a routine.

There are those who consider this not to be infidelity, as they only associate this term with the sexual sphere. However, each person conceives infidelity in a different way.

If before starting a relationship it is agreed that the situations mentioned would be a problem for the relationship, it is considered emotional infidelity.

If you have been a victim of emotional infidelity and this fact affects your self-esteem, perhaps it is time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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What is worse, physical infidelity or emotional infidelity?

Although it may seem incredible to believe, the fear that we betray emotionally It is usually more painful. Often a physical encounter means nothing more than a “hot flash.” However, the fact of starting to feel for another person is more painful for someone who is faithful.

Healthy relationships are based on the respect, trust and confidence that two individuals place in each other. When betrayal occurs, regardless of its nature, the consequences are the same.

The person is going to suffer a strong emotional trauma which can cause the relationship to break up. Therefore, since it is a disappointment, both types of infidelity They hurt the same and they do the same damage.

Unless the couple has decided to have a liberal relationship and no set of rules have been established before starting the relationship. In this situation, a series of problems would arise different consequences.

How does couples therapy work?

In therapy it will always be offered aid to people through the use of techniques and strategies that are adapted to each specific case. However, the most common tasks or measures that are carried out to help couples who have suffered emotional infidelity are the following:

  • Managing complaints and seeking consensus. It is one of the most important tasks in the process of couples therapy. Mainly in the early stages. Within this task, the person who has suffered infidelity is helped to express everything you feel. You will never feel judged or have to repress yourself in order not to cause discomfort. The psychologist will help raise the issues that can be key and will control the discussions that may arise. That is, they help to establish dialogues Always based on respect, from a constructive perspective.
  • Detection of possible causes and triggers of infidelity. It is true that infidelity is always the responsibility of the person who commits it. But in therapy it will be analyze each case to find out why the infidelity has taken place. That is, know the aspects of the person's daily life that can cause him or her to break the commitment. In this way, the therapist will be able to carry out a kind of prevention plan so that this does not happen again.
  • Recognition of responsibilities. When damage occurs, the person who causes it must recognize their responsibility of these acts. In therapy the person will be able to understanding the damage that has caused to your partner. With this, you will achieve or attempt to achieve the act of asking for forgiveness.
  • Repairing commitment by establishing new common goals. All or most relationships are created under a commitment. An assurance that both people are going to make an effort and sacrifice in certain everyday aspects to achieve a good coexistenceHowever, when infidelity occurs, trust is broken. To repair it, it is necessary to seek solutions and the unfaithful person has to prove that they can be trusted again.

The therapy will help the couple to establish a aid plan. That is, they will be established new habits of self-discipline to achieve the established objectives. If both people do their part and fight to improve and overcome infidelity, they will be able to enjoy a good relationship again. full life as a couple. A relationship that, with effort, will once again be based on respect, trust and security.

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