«I'm 16 and I'm pregnant»: how to deal with teenage pregnancy

Getting pregnant during adolescence is a complicated situation that can generate many doubts and fears. The changes that come with motherhood can be difficult to understand at such an early stage in life.

It's normal to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of being a mother and father and the limitations this can place on your future plans. You may feel like you have lost control over your life and don't know what to do, but You should know that it is possible to face and enjoy this new stage that you are living.

What is teenage pregnancy?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is a pregnancy that It occurs in women between the ages of 10 and 19.It is also called early, premature or preterm pregnancy.

Generally pregnancy during this stage of life It is usually not planned and is an immediate consequence of not using protection. or contraceptive methods when having sexual relations.

Teenage pregnancy is often a very complicated emotional situation. This can lead you to develop behaviors such as denialignoring that the baby will exist or concealment from parents for fear of reactions. Even though you may feel lost, You need to understand that if you go ahead with the pregnancy you must face the future consequences. that will have on a physical and psychological level and prepare you for them.

The consequences of teenage pregnancy

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The consequences of pregnancy occur at a physical, mental and social level.


The mother's body will change throughout the baby's growth and development stage. Pregnancy is a stage where you need to take care of your diet and your peace of mind. Despite this, there are a number of problems that can occur:

  • Possible loss of protein by having to share it with the baby
  • Anemia, malnutrition and toxemia
  • Mortality risk
  • Possibility of spontaneous abortions


Adolescence is a maturing stage that can be paralyzed by pregnancy. The search for personal identity and self-acceptance as a woman can be interrupted. This can lead to problems:

  • Self-esteem
  • Problems in the school environment
  • Anxiety
  • Hormonal changes that affect mental health


Social changes will also be evident. You may feel ashamed or need help from your family after the birth of your baby to be able to manage your educational development with motherhood. These may be some problems:

  • Early school leaving
  • Job insecurity
  • Social rejection
  • Loss of friendships due to not having the same type of life
  • Desire for early emancipation

Going to online therapy to deal with teenage pregnancy

If you feel overwhelmed by pregnancy, online therapy can be a very beneficial option for you. A psychologist who is an expert in the subject can help you deal with your emotions and feelings, provide you with tools and strategies to manage stress and anxiety, and teach you skills to face the challenges that motherhood will bring.

In online therapy, You will be able to freely talk about your worries, fears and concerns without fear of being judged. The psychologist will listen to you carefully and help you identify patterns of thought and behavior that may be affecting your emotional well-being. From there, you can work together to develop skills to cope with the changes and challenges that motherhood brings.

In addition, therapy can be a way to get emotional support and feel less alone in this new stage of your life. At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career, We have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

The role of the family in teenage pregnancy

The news of a pregnancy during adolescence can be very shocking for parents.. Most people hope that their children will be older and more stable to face this moment. However, you should talk to your family and not hide news of such magnitude. It is important that you have an open and honest conversation with them so that they can understand your concerns and needs.

It is normal that you depend on them financially and emotionally.so in one way or another they are involved regardless of their will. Your family environment will accompany you in making decisions throughout the process. It is important that you maintain an optimal relationship, since the decisions you make will affect them in their future as well. Your family can help you plan for your future and your baby's future. Talk to them about your educational and career options, and ask for their opinions and advice.

Your parents can be your greatest support during this experience. It is always important to maintain open and honest communication with them. It is essential that all parties practice active listening, empathy and row together towards the future.

Coping with changes: new life after pregnancy

It's normal to feel overwhelmed when you're pregnant, especially if you're a teenager. But remember that This experience also brings with it many changes and new opportunities..

Once you have your baby in your arms, you have a whole new life ahead of you. And while it can be overwhelming at first, it can also be exciting and rewarding. Here are some tips for coping with the changes that come with the arrival of your baby:

  • Seek support: Ask friends, family, and health care professionals for help. You don't have to do it alone. There are many resources available to help you navigate this new chapter in your life.
  • Learn everything you can about raising a baby: There are many resources available online and in the community that can help you learn about raising a baby. Be sure to ask your doctor questions and attend prenatal education classes.
  • Take some time for yourself: It is important to take care of yourself as much as you take care of your baby. Make time to do things you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music or practicing yoga.
  • Establish a routine: Babies need a routine to feel safe and comfortable. Establish regular times for feeding, changing and sleeping your baby. This will help you feel more organized and in control.
  • Accept that changes are normal: Your body will go through many changes during pregnancy, and it's normal for it to continue to change after delivery. Don't worry if it takes a while to get back to your old body. Give your body time to recover.

Remember that the arrival of a baby is a big change in anyone's life, but it is also an opportunity to grow and learn. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support, and don't worry if you need time to adjust to this new life. With patience, dedication and love, you will be able to face the changes and enjoy this new stage in your life.

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
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  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.