Why do men reject us?

Has a man ever told you: «It’s not you, it’s me», to justify that he didn’t want to go out with you? It is a very common excuse, and although it is already outdated and we swear we no longer believe in it, we tend to look for the reason in ourselves, torturing ourselves with questions such as: What did I do wrong for him not to love me? Will he see me as ugly? Why don’t you like me?

However, we should start believe in that sentence, because sometimes the problem really is in themselves. The reasons why a man rejects a woman can be thousands… Among them:

Because it is not the moment: Men mature much later than women. That means that while you’re ready for a serious relationship, he may still be looking to go out with his friends, and have several one-night stands with other women before he «settles down.» You are not to waste time with someone who cannot offer you what you want!

Another case is the one who has just separated from his ex and does not feel ready for another relationship: even though he is the perfect man for you, and even though you may be an excellent woman for him, you must understand that it is his time to be only.

Because he doesn’t like you: Although it sounds harsh, we must accept it: a very possible reason why a man is not interested in you is because he really does not like you very much. But we should not feel less for that; About tastes there is nothing written! It happens to all of us: some people seem more attractive and others don’t. Surely you have rejected more than one man. And it is that we must know that we are not always going to like or like everyone, simply because we are different.

In addition, there is always something to keep in mind; over time we are changing and that he does not like you today, does not mean that he cannot like you tomorrow. Who did not happen to notice someone who had never imagined before?

Because he likes you too much: It sounds weird, but sometimes a man can reject a woman because he likes her so much. And how? Perhaps he does not feel prepared for a relationship with a girl whom he has as «ideal» and for this reason, he prefers to step aside so as not to hurt his feelings: if a man rejects you for that reason, feel luckyWell, he was very sincere. That’s preferable to him taking advantage of you for a casual relationship, isn’t it?

Because you have a very maternal profile or not at all maternal: There comes a time in life when men look for the mother of their children, and who cooks something delicious for them when they return from work. If you are still far from that model, someone could reject you because he does not see in you a woman to form a family. And if, on the other hand, you are young and already look like a housewife, maybe he doesn’t want to be with you because he doesn’t want a wife yet, but a girlfriend. You have to find the balance!

And you… have they left you for any of these reasons?s?

Source: iWoman