Criminal and forensic psychology: what they are, differences and what they are used for – Online Psychologists

For a few years now, several branches of psychology have been growing. criminal psychology and the forensic psychology These are two areas that are in high demand today.

It is not surprising: these branches of psychology have become the protagonists of many series, films and novels. Naturally, this has aroused the curiosity of consumers, especially the youngest ones, who are at the age to choose a career.

However, as is often the case, Reality is far from fiction, at least in SpainIn all these cultural products, many of them of American origin, criminal psychology and forensic psychology are two very similar areas. However, although it is true that they have similar roles, they have different focuses of interest.

To understand the difference between the two, we must first be clear what is psychologyWithout complicating things too much, we can define it as the area of ​​science that studies human behavior and experience.

What is criminal psychology?

The criminal psychologyalso called criminologystudy the why and how It reveals delinquent and criminal behavior. That is, it studies what drives individuals to commit crimes and what methods they follow to do so.

To do this, it is necessary to observe the different types of criminals, delinquency and criminal behavior that exist.

By studying the minds of criminals, criminologists have the opportunity to prevent criminal behavior before it even occurs.

Criminal psychology professionals study the mental processesthe cognitive character and the psychic character of those who commit crimes. Only by studying these variables can we come to understand the reasons for their actions. Broadly speaking, criminal psychology seeks to distinguish those key factors or elements that intervene in the formation of criminals.

Their work is done in criminal investigation agencies, security and penitentiary centersAmong the many jobs and activities that these professionals can carry out, we find:

  • Develop diagnoses of the various criminal personalities.
  • Investigate on those factors that trigger or influence the commission of a crime.
  • Launch rehabilitation processes for improved behavior.
  • Evaluate the subjectss to establish its degree of danger.

What is forensic psychology?

The forensic psychologyfor its part, is a multidisciplinary branch to which different disciplines belong. Therefore, despite having certain common features, each discipline maintains its corresponding methods and instructions.

For example, they all study the formal aspects of the Forensic, behavioral and legal sciences.

Unlike criminal psychology, forensic psychologists are interested in both criminal and legal sciences. That is, They are equally interested in the offender and the victim. Because of this, The professionals who work within this area They have knowledge of the criminal and accusatory process.

Forensic Psychology also has a clinical interestBy studying behavior, those who dedicate themselves to this science can know if the individual who is being accused of a crime is accountable or not.

On the other hand, this branch is responsible for providing assistance to victims psychological or therapeutic help to overcome the damage caused by the offender.

The areas of work of forensic psychology are public ministries, courts and conciliation or arbitration boards.

It should be noted that professionals who are dedicated to forensic psychology, although they must have a degree in Psychology, must also have knowledge of criminal, judicial and procedural lawSome of the functions of these professionals are:

  • Collect and interpret psychological data that may provide information of special relevance for future trials.
  • Present psychological evidence.
  • Analyze the capabilities or aptitudes mental of the victim, accused and witnesses.
  • Testify or give information to the courts so that they can make a decision based on facts.

What is the main difference between Criminal and Forensic Psychology?

Both Criminal Psychology and Forensic Psychology are essential in justice and play essential roles in the criminal and judicial system.

However, we must be clear that the Criminal Psychology tries to find out what drives a person to commit a crime. That is, seeks to understand the why of crimes. While, the Forensic Psychology study the consequences of that same crime about the victims and their mental state.

If you have been the victim of a crime and need help to overcome it, at we can help you.