Why can't I feel comfortable at work? – Online Psychologists

With more than 3,000,000 unemployed in Spain, the simple fact of having a job is a reason for joy. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and many workers have to face a dilemma: Keep a job they don't like or quit their position and throw yourself back into the unstable job market?

When she contacted , Sandra was more than familiar with this problem. She finished her degree a couple of years ago and two months ago she finally received a job offer that suited her profile perfectly.

However, her happiness lasted only a few weeks. Suddenly, Sandra found herself sharing a third of her time with complete strangers who had known each other for a long time and who, for that reason, had problems accepting her. Two months later, He hardly talks to any of his classmates. and is unable to feel comfortable in her workplace.

Sandra asks her psychologist whether she should leave her job or not so she can look for a job more in line with what she imagined. But it is not her psychologist who must answer that question, but herself.

But how do you know? What factors should I take into account when deciding? If your professional future lies within the walls of your office? To make the decision-making process easier, we have prepared an article where we answer the most common questions in these cases.

What are the most common causes of demotivation at work?

Anyone who has worked in a company will know that there are problems for everyone in the world of work. However, some problems are more common than others:

Workplace stress is such a common problem that it's alarming. So much so that, according to data collected by Cigna, 45% of Spanish employees are familiar with work stress.

The reasons can be many and varied, such as excessive workload or unpaid overtime. However, the report points out that one of the main causes lies in the inability to disconnect from work. In 2020, the year of teleworking par excellence, 74% of Spaniards said they were always aware of their tasks.

  • Problems with colleagues

It is a mistake to think that the work environment must be an aseptic place that leaves no room for camaraderie and friendship. After all, Humans are sociable by nature and therefore we need to relate to others to be happy.

However, this is not always possible in the working world. Competitiveness, professional friction and conflicts at work They are the bread and butter of many companies. When the atmosphere is negative, it is difficult to develop healthy relationships and, therefore, it is easy to become discouraged.

If your work situation is negatively affecting your personal life, it may be time to seek help from an online psychologist.

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Workplace bullying, or mobbingoccurs when one or more members of the company They harass, humiliate or psychologically mistreat to another. This type of behavior is one of the most glaring evidence that a certain workplace is toxic.

But it can also be the origin of serious problems, such asanxiety or depressionAnd, in the worst case, it can lead to the sufferer taking sick leave due to the psychological problems resulting from the harassment.

If you are a victim of workplace harassment, it is likely that the prospect of going to work demotivates you and causes you large amounts of stressIf you can, tell a superior what is happening and remember that a good company should always put the well-being of its employees first.

For a company to function properly, fluid communication based on transparency is essential. When this is not the case, the perfect breeding ground for misunderstandings, rumors and arguments.

In addition, poor communication can increase feelings of uncertainty of employees. When your superiors send you mixed messages, the chances of failure increase and, with it, so does your nervousness.

  • Bad management by superiors

Sometimes it is not the employees who poison the work environment, but the employers. We talk about those toxic bosses who, either through their incompetence or their unpleasant nature, make the workplace a hell.

They are usually people not very flexiblewith difficulties in communicating and admitting their mistakes. In addition, they often have favoritism and let their personal opinions influence the distribution of tasks.

  • Adverse working conditions

In some work environments the bad atmosphere comes from structural problems such as work overload, too many meetings, poor working conditions, lack of fair treatment, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age…

How do I decide whether to stay or leave?

  • Weigh the good and the badIf you're not sure whether you should leave or continue your career at the company, the best thing you can do is grab a pen and paper and make a list of the pros and cons of each option. Keep in mind that depending on your values ​​and priorities, being happy at work isn't always the most important thing for everyone. Some people choose to persevere in adverse work environments because of the career prospects or training that the position offers them. But whatever your case, remember that it's very important to protect your mental health.
  • Analyze your work performance. The fear of returning to the field and facing unemployment again prevents many people from leaving their jobs. However, staying is not always the best option. Not only should you try to be happy in your workplace, the ideal job should be motivating. If you notice that you are no longer performing as well as before and you have stopped taking advantage of the time you invest in working, perhaps it is the sign you need to look for new opportunities.
  • Listen to your emotions. There is no point in putting up with the unbearable if it is your mental health that pays for it. Keep in mind that emotions are the best indicator when making decisions, as they are responsible for warning you that something is not going as it should. So don't repress them. Allow yourself to feel and act accordingly, always putting your emotional health first.

These are the consequences of not being happy at work

  • Poor performance.
  • Poor business results.
  • High levels of stress.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Increase in sick leave, which can translate into economic losses for the company.
  • Poor communication.
  • Absenteeism from work.
  • Difficulties in retaining talent.
  • Emotional problems, such as depression, burnout or anxiety.

How to be happy at work?

If your situation at work is not the best, do not despair. After all, the world of work only takes up a part of your time and you can make up for its shortcomings if you lead a full life in other aspects.

However, it is logical to want to enjoy work as much as possible. Therefore, if you want to overcome problems and finally feel comfortable at work, we recommend:

  • Give your peers a chance. Are you finding your job tiring or boring? Your colleagues can be the solution! If you work in a large company, chances are there are colleagues you haven't met yet. You can try striking up a conversation with them, or go down for coffee with staff from another department. Even if you don't seem to have anything in common with the other employees, we suggest you try out a few different conversation topics. You might be surprised by the results.
  • Set realistic goals. If stress is the problem, the best thing you can do is break down your work objectives into smaller goals. Keep in mind that the more attainable the tasks you set yourself, the easier it will be to move towards goals that would otherwise have been unattainable. Remember: being well organized is key to enjoying your work.
  • Share your concerns with your superiors. Do you have toxic colleagues? Is there inefficient communication? Is there an obvious overload of tasks? Sometimes it is difficult for bosses to keep up with the day-to-day and, because of this, they overlook some problems that are easily visible from your position. Don't let these problems take root in the company: communicate them to your superiors, as they may not even be aware of what is happening.

If none of these things work, you may need to seek the help of a mental health professional who can help you deal with the stress and uncertainty caused by a poor work environment.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First session free by clicking the button below.

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