I've fallen in love with my best friend. What can I do? – Online Psychologists

How many of us have experienced this? Going out for a drink, watching a movie, going shopping… Any plan you make is fun if you do it with that friend and it's obvious that you spend more and more time together.

You notice that something has changed, you even pay more attention to him and it bothers you if he flirts with other people.Are you falling in love?

It's time for a decision. What can you do? Do you bring it up or keep it a secret? You're always going to worry that your best friend doesn't feel the same way as you or that your friendship will fall apart. What's the best decision?

I want to be honest

You've made up your mind, but you can't help but wonder what will happen if he or she doesn't feel the same way or if your friendship will end. You have to realize that you're faced with 3 options:

  • Your friend may feel the same way.
  • Your friend is not in love with youbut your friendship does not change
  • Your friend is not in love and your friendship breaks

Still, you decide to open up. It's best to meet in a place where you can be alone with him and explain that you feel more than friendship in a natural way. Avoid drama. Don't forget that, whatever your decisionyou must respect it.

Tell it to your friends. It's a way to let off steam and feel relief. You can't carry that frustration alone, so your mental health will thank you for clearing your mind with someone you trust. Advice never hurts and can help you make decisions.

He told me no: the moment of acceptance

When a person does not reciprocate your feelings, we say that they have left you in the lurch. friendzone or in the friend zoneYou shouldn't feel bad about being rejected. He loves you, but as friends. Consider their sincerity. You can be understanding but not act out of pity. The most painful thing is not that he rejects you, but that he gives you false hopes, promises you things that he doesn't fulfill and leaves the door ajar.

It's normal for your best friend to need some time to come to terms with what happened because he or she probably didn't expect it and will feel bad for rejecting you. Your relationship will suffer for a while, but in the end, if he or she is truly your friend, everything can go back to normal.

It's not all bad news. There's a chance that your best friend feels the same way and you two have a chance to make a good couple. There's also an intermediate possibility: being friends with «rights»It is not advisable because one of the two will end up feeling something more and it will be painful, while the friendship runs the risk of breaking forever.

However, feel good about having been able to face the situation, take the step and talk about it. It says a lot about you, your self-esteem and your ability to take important steps in life. If, on the other hand, you are stuck and do not see yourself capable of taking the step but the situation is already affecting your life, trust an online psychologist who will help you gain self-confidence and resolve the situation.

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