What is the yacon for? You should know its benefits

Many of us still wonder What is yacon used for? Seeing it, we easily confuse it with cassava and for this reason, we believe that it would only serve for food consumption.

Yacon is a tuber that is grown mostly in warm and temperate areas of the Andes Mountains. It has been consumed since the time of our indigenous ancestors, since they believed that it would give them certain healing powers in digestive diseases.

If you still do not have it clear and you want to know what sarsaparilla is for or what is the way in which yacón can give you a little hand with some health problems, we will tell you everything you should know about this natural product:

What is yacon and what is it used for?

Yacón is a product that differs from cassava, yams or sweet potatoes as it stores its carbohydrates in a different way, because it produces sugars that would favor human health. Very commonly, yacon leaves are consumed, since there would be some substances that would help regulate the nervous and digestive systems, apart from favoring weight loss processes in some cases.

What are the benefits of consuming yacon?

Yacon roots may also have many health properties, as they contain calcium and vital minerals. These substances could eventually strengthen your bones and teeth, as well as being able to promote muscle growth. There are no directly related studies that support that yacon helps prevent or treat problems such as diabetes, however many people take it to reduce their symptoms.

How can yacon be consumed?

This tuber can be consumed in many ways, so you won’t get tired easily. You can eat it fresh as a fruit in the morning, combined in juices and smoothies with other fruits or vegetables, and chopped in meals such as purees, salads or soups. Of course, you will also find its medical presentations as natural extracts in drops, syrups or capsules.

What is yacon used for on an empty stomach?

You should know that its regular consumption could help you speed up your metabolism and thus improve the use of fats that are produced in the body to convert them into energy. Another of the qualities that yacon would have is to reduce appetite, because it contains soluble fibers inside that increase the feeling of satiety, so many people drink tea from this root on an empty stomach to control or lose weight. weight.

For this preparation you should only boil a liter of water, adding pieces of the peeled yacón at that time. Let it infuse for about 10 minutes over low heat. Finally, drink a cup of water every morning on an empty stomach.

What is yacón in syrup for?

It is one of those homemade recipes par excellence. Important powers would be attributed to yacon syrup, which in some cases would improve insulin resistance. Also its responsible consumption could become effective when it comes to reducing cough due to conventional cold, contributing to expectoration. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting a treatment of this type, since exceeding its consumption could have implications for the digestive system such as continuous diarrhea.

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