The 5 best-selling psychology books – Online Psychologists

Sant Jordi's Day in Catalonia and Book Day in the rest of the world. The first has as its distinctive symbol the rose, a gift from lovers, but both festivities share, at the same time, a ritual: the gift of a book. Literature is wise and has its benefits, particular according to the field, the theme, the content. At we also celebrate this day and, beyond the raffle of a book that we end today, we also offer you a list of the five favorite psychology books.

The power of now

Eckhart Tollepsychologist, philosopher and writer, known for being a master of spirituality, is presented as the great candidate to sweep the board on this date with The Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. This essay, which launched the author to fame, has sold more than three million copies since its first publication, approximately ten years ago. The phenomenon of The Power of Now has turned the book into a key work capable of creating such an experience in readers that they can radically change their lives for the better. The work takes us into a journey into our interior, towards our being and its greatest essence: lifeUsing simple, straightforward language in a question-answer format, Tolle guides the reader to discover their well-being. [Comprar aquí]

Things that happen to a mother without superpowers

For a more entertaining, enjoyable read, ideal for making us laugh out loud, but no less educational, read Molinos. Behind this pseudonym lies a Ana Riberaa writer from Madrid and author of one of the most successful blogs in the Spanish blogosphere: Cosas que (me) pasan. Cosas que le pasan a una madre Sin superpoderes is her first work, where she describes how she lives her day to day life with her two daughters, an engineer husband and a perfect grandmother, while she wonders how it is possible that no one has ever told the true reality of having “kids” and living with them. With the same style that her blog exudes, her biting language and her realism, Ana Ribera presents a work that, whether you have children or not, It will make you feel very in tune with the rest of the mortals. [Comprar aquí]

A backpack for the universe

It's not been more than a year since Elsa Punsetdaughter of scientist Eduard Punset, published this work whose objective is to guide the reader towards understanding, mastering and managing their emotions. And in just over a year, A Backpack for the Universe has become (and remains) a worldwide best-seller, with more than 150,000 copies sold and 14 editions. For Elsa Punset, The backpack symbolizes emotional baggage that we are increasing with the passage of time, of our life and our experiences. For this reason, around its pages, the author offers twenty-one routes to live with our emotions, accept them and, thus, grow personally with greater strength..

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The monk who sold his Ferrari

Renowned writer and entrepreneur Robin Sharma has created a book with an educational background that will not let you hold back your laughter. With The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, the author's greatest work, laughter is guaranteed. In the form of a fable, the emotional story of a lawyer who flees from his stressful life in search of peace through the Himalayas, this book contains simple and effective lessons to improve our way of living. The work is the fusion of Eastern spiritual wisdom with Western principles of success and teaches us to live with courage, balance and satisfaction. [Comprar aquí]

The art of not making life miserable

In just 240 pages, the psychologist Rafael Santandreu explains the clear, concrete and practical method to achieve our personal well-being. Walking towards psychological change, improving our relationship with ourselves and overcoming negative thoughts and beliefs that unnecessarily embitter our lives are the key objectives of The Art of Not Making Life Miserable. A best-seller since its first publication in 2011, the book proposes a new model of personal and social philosophy that will make us stronger as individuals and as a society, says the author, who clarifies, among other things, that “needitis is the real virus that causes the current emotional illness syndrome.” [Comprar aquí]