Chronic victimhood: traits, how to act and how to help – Online Psychologists

He chronic victimhood It is a trait of people who tend to think and point the finger at others as the culprits of their misfortunes and not at themselves. That is, they do not admit their mistakes, but rather blame others. This happens without these people being really aware of it.

These people have become accustomed to not taking responsibility for their actions and, furthermore, as a consequence of this They don't feel capable of fixing the situation because they believe it's not their fault. or is beyond their control because they depend on others. This victimization will be harmful to them because it will prevent them from developing their ability to manage and solve the problems that they will encounter throughout their lives.

Traits of people with chronic victimhood

It should be noted that people with chronic victimhood may have developed it as a defense against experiences they have lived in the past, such as insecurities, lack of love, traumatic or painful situations that they have not yet overcome, etc.

Personality traits that may warn you that you are dealing with a victimizer are:

  • They always blame a third party. Everything that happens will never be their fault, but someone else's. They are incapable of recognizing their mistakes and being self-critical.
  • They do not assume their responsibilityAs a result of not recognizing their mistake, they also do not take responsibility for the actions they have committed.
  • They distort realityEven if it is their fault, they will insist on making excuses and inventing versions so that their position as victims is strengthened. In other words, they will always present themselves as the victim in all situations.
  • Low self-esteem. All this is due to the presence of insecurities and self-love that make these people unable to see their actions, recognize them and try to manage them in the best way.
  • They need attentionFor example, if they don't receive comfort from you after an argument, they may become sad or angry with you. They need you to support them, help them, and understand them based on their position as victims.

How should I deal with chronic victimhood?

It is very important that if you have a person close to you whose traits match those of chronic victimhood, don't play his gameThat is, you should not support their role as a victim. Tell them they are wrong, explain the reality to them in the best way possible, but do not accept their position and support it. If you do, you will make them continue behaving in the same way and use you for this.

The way to tell someone things is always complicated and requires tact. It depends on the situations you find yourself in, you may be more tactful or different, it also depends on the type of person they are. It is not necessary that you respond to a victimizing person with an attack, but you must have the ability to calmly and clearly explain to them why they are wrong, that it is not the fault of others, and that they must learn to take responsibility for their actions.

One of the options you can give your friend to improve is to go to an online psychologist, who will be able to help him so that, together, you can gradually solve the problem.

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How can a psychologist help?

A professional psychologist has the ability and skills necessary to work with you and know how to see and overcome certain situations. We start from the basis that the work of a psychologist is not to give an answer to your problems and that they are solved immediately, but to work with them you will learn to solve the problem yourself.

Knowing yourself better, knowing how to recognize your emotions, accept them, see from another perspective, knowing how to admit your mistakes, accept and overcome your insecurities, fear, learning to fail, as well as learning to take responsibility for the actions you commit. This will not only help you overcome the main factor for which you have decided to go to him, but it will also help you to overcome the main factor for which you have decided to go to him. It will help you recognize yourself, accept yourself and live more harmoniously with yourself.therefore, better and happier.

In we have a professional team of psychologists who will be able to assist you. More than 1,600 people have contacted us, do not neglect your mental health and make an appointment for a session online therapyand with one of our psychologists. The First briefing is free.