Meaning of kisses, every action has a reaction!

You may not know much about meaning of kisses Well, although they are a way of expressing affection, they have some very curious hidden messages.

They say that a little kiss is like a glass of water: it is not denied to anyone. The truth is that as the stages of life progress, we realize that they are becoming more intense and we want to give them by giving our soul. It does not mean that in youth they are not given with feeling, but they often mean desire more than love.

We want to show you that this is how lovers kiss according to their zodiac sign and also, the meanings that some kisses that we give would have and that sometimes we do not stop many balls. Pay attention and take note:

Meaning of a man’s kisses

For them, a kiss does not always mean love. It is important to learn to read the signs that the man gives you before kissing you. For example, if he wants to take you by the waist to give it to you, he would be telling you that he wants a romantic kiss and wants to move forward with you. On the other hand, if he gives you the popular French kiss, he would be showing that he feels passion and desire, but that it is not that He is interested in the situation transcending right there because it would be a romantic kiss. On the other hand, if he does it with force, bites on the lips or grabs your neck, he may be thinking of entering the grounds of intimacy immediately.

Meaning of a woman’s kisses

For us, in many cases, kisses mean a very special bond. Of course, sometimes we want to taste their lips and that’s it, but at other times we feel that it is the moment to express our feelings. Women often kiss with their eyes closed because they feel a connection with their partner and that is the most sensible sign that you feel great things for someone. We also love «pecks» or kisses on the lips, these would show romanticism and if it is the first time you kiss that person, it would translate as if you feel affection but not infatuation. Kissing passionately would be the indicator that you want the other person and would like to become intimate, although it does not necessarily have to be at that precise moment (that is a sign that they do not read sometimes).

Meaning of kissing with open eyes

If this kiss was applied to you, we must tell you, friend, realize it! Very often this action, which is not pretty at all, would become a sign in which someone puts up a barrier so things don’t get confused. Also, it could be a controlling way of noticing if the other person closed their eyes to understand with this behavior that she is not willing to give herself totally to love. These questions are not a generality, but it is worth expressing your disagreement or specifying if that person really wanted to kiss you or does it without wanting to.

Meaning of kisses and hugs

This is commonly known as the kiss of lovers. When you feel like kissing someone, you do it and that’s it, but if the brain’s reflex to hug manifests itself at that very moment, it means that there are serious feelings at stake. It is not only a kiss, it is about the intentions of the man or woman to give their heart, so it is not a simple party, it is the way in which both people express that they love each other and that it can start a serious relationship.

Meaning of kisses with tongue and bite

The father of passionate kisses and low instincts. When given the opportunity to kiss someone in this way, the intention of fire and passion that both have is manifested. Normally, this is not a romantic kiss but one that expresses physical desire without the mediation, sometimes, of pure feelings. When a gentle bite is made on the lips, the meaning of this action is that the person is flirty and very intense, so you would have to deal with it very carefully because it could be one of those men who are called hummingbirds.

At Vibra, we also want to show you 9 truths and a lie about kissing. Do not forget to share our articles on your social networks.