Emotional diary, what it is and what it is used for – Online Psychologists

Emotions are a fundamental pillar in people's lives And although they are known to all of us, they are still somewhat complex.

While it is true that many of us have suffered from anxiety or nervousness at some point, we are not always aware that poor management of these emotions can lead to major psychological problems or even illnesses.

The path to achieving mental health is through being at peace with yourself, which is achieved when we are fully aware of our emotions.

Keeping an emotional diary can be a fantastic technique when it comes to achieving the well-being you need to be happy.

If you love to write you may have just found the best way to keep your high self-esteem, having a good degree of inner knowledge, and enjoying the present momentLet's learn a little more about this technique.

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Do I need to write an emotional diary?

This is the first question you need to ask yourself. Not all people express their emotions in the same way.

On the one hand we find those who experience a more developed emotional lifeThey are characterized by being more positive and with a greater degree of autonomy. They usually do not need an emotional diary because they know how to channel their emotions well.

Secondly we have those people who are They are overwhelmed or trapped by their feelings and therefore are unable to get rid of negative feelings.

Finally we find those that simply they resign themselves and tend to accept negative feelings passively.

If you identify with any of these last two cases, pay close attention to the rest of the article.

What is an emotional diary?

This is an optional, personal diary in which we record the emotions that accompany the different situations we encounter in our daily lives. These should be described in as much detail as possible, as this will help us to know ourselves better.

It is not therefore a question of solving our feelings but rather of locating and identifying them in order to understand them.

It is important that its implementation is flexible and creative and that we do not feel obliged to carry it out.

How to write an emotional diary?

  • The first thing you will need is a notebook, a diary or some paper. The format is up to you, the important thing is that you feel it is yours.
  • Choose the time of day you prefer to write.Some people feel more alert and resolute in the morning, or perhaps before a nap or just before bed. You don't have to write every day, but it is important to create a writing habit. Doing it at the same time every day will help.
  • Take stock of the day. Write down everything you remember, even what you consider irrelevant. We recommend that you start with the positive aspects and end with the negative ones.
  • Once you have them written down it's time to Briefly describe how you felt in all situationsboth the good and the bad. You can ask yourself questions that help you reflect, such as “What produced the emotion or mood?” or “What thoughts came to your mind at the moment you were feeling that emotion?” This is about reflecting on the emotional response you gave to the situation.
  • After a few weeks read the newspaper again and ask yourself questions like: “What emotions are repeated?” “What emotions do I not experience?” “What actions do I take in response to certain emotions?” All of these questions will help you get to know yourself and introduce changes that will allow you to handle certain emotional situations more satisfactorily.

Knowing yourself, knowing who you are, is the first step and one of the most important on the road to happiness.

If you think you need extra support, do not hesitate to contact us and enjoy the first free session with an experienced online psychologist.

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