✔️Living with my parents makes me anxious, what do I do? – Online Psychologists

If living with your parents makes you anxietyyou should know that this is not an isolated case. Young Spaniards suffer the effects of a bigger problem: the existence of an unstable labour market. Temporary employment, unemployment and low incomes cause the majority of Spaniards to live with their parents even when they are close to thirty.

The average age for Spaniards to become independent is 30 years old, according to the latest report from the European Statistical Office, Eurostat. Working conditions and housing prices make emancipation an arduous task. All of this falls on the shoulders of mental healthone of the biggest losers on this journey to the beloved independence.

Tips to overcome anxiety while living with your parents

Set limits for your parents

As we grow up, not all parents come to understand that their children have a personal life and are not their own extension.

After work, the family stress It is the one that affects the population the most. To avoid it, it is necessary to set limits for parents and not tolerate harmful attitudes. We must identify the moments in which we suffer the most anxiety in order to establish limits.

Establishing a space of your own

It is essential to find a place in the house where you can be alone and quiet. In most cases, it is usually our room.

It should be a space where you feel reflected, where you can develop intrinsically. Having a room with light and plants is usually very beneficial.

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Externalize your feelings

When we live with our family, situations arise that make us feel irritated or sad. Expressing these feelings in a positive way assertive can help us calm anxiety.

When your parents know how you feel, it is easier for them to know how to treat you at all times.

Set goals for yourself

This isn't forever, even if it doesn't seem like it. If you want to speed up the process, you can try setting goals. achievable.

And it is important that they are achievable so as not to get frustrated. Save little by little, decide where you would like to live, take a trip from time to time… Hope is necessary so that the last moments at mom and dad's house are not disappointing.

Pay attention to the rest of the links

Friendship and love are very important for our well-being. We can have a bad day at home, but having a friend is always a good idea. safe and friendly external environment makes that day much better. That's why it's important to take care of our friends or our partner, maintain good communication and make them aware of the reality that occurs at home.

Take care of yourself

«In all houses beans are cooked» says the Spanish proverb, and this is true. There are very different situations and there is no magic recipe, which is why it is necessary to detect when it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of a professional. Having the tools to cope with family stress is very complicated if you do not have help.

In the event that the situation drags on over time and the anxiety worsens, You can consult a professionalAt we can help you overcome anxiety.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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