Dizziness due to anxiety: Why does it happen? Can I stop it? – Online Psychologists

Dizziness is a physical problem that can occur for many reasons: vertigo, migraines, ear problems, problems related to nerves… In addition, you can also have dizziness due to anxiety.

What is dizziness?

In one of its meanings, the RAE defines dizziness as «feeling unwell, losing stability and, sometimes, consciousness.»

In other words, dizziness is a sensation that results in loss of stability and dizziness.

When a person gets dizzy, he has the sensation that the place where one is standing is spinning or swaying. This can cause you to lose stability and even fall.

The most common symptoms are: dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, and a feeling of having a heavy head.

If you suffer from this problem, it is best to see a doctor. This way you can find out if it is caused by a physical ailment or, on the contrary, by a mental health problem, such as anxiety.

What is anxiety?

This is a our body's response to threats. It is a set of sensations that prepare you to flee from a possible danger. When your pulse and breathing accelerate, when your muscles tense… It is your body trying to “save your life”.

However, anxiety as a natural mechanism Human beings are facing a problem at the present time. While in the past humans used to flee from tangible dangers, such as predators, today they cannot escape from many threats: exams, bills, family problems…

When this mechanism becomes obsolete and begins to appear in situations where it does not serve any purpose, or when it appears for no reason, then we are dealing with an anxiety disorder that must be diagnosed by a psychologist.

Do you need to know whether or not you suffer from an anxiety disorder? Contact an online psychologist.

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Dizziness from anxiety: Why does it happen?

There are two symptoms of anxiety that can make you dizzy:

  • Hyperventilation or, what is the same, the increase in the frequency of breathing that causes the brain to send more blood than necessary to the bloodstream.
  • Vasovagal presyncope, that is, a sensation close to loss of consciousness caused by the decrease in the supply of blood (and therefore oxygen) to the brain. It occurs because the nervous system receives so many stimuli that it stops working as it should. As a consequence, its orders no longer reach the rest of the body clearly.

How do I stop anxiety-related dizziness?

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you are actually getting dizzy because of anxiety. Keep in mind that there could be problems like migraines and vertigo behind them.

Once you are clear about what is causing your anxiety, the best thing you can do is go to the psychologist.

A mental health professional not only knows relaxation techniques that they can teach you. They can also help you modify the way you react to events in your life. This way, you will be able to manage strong emotions in a healthy way and put into perspective the problems you encounter on a daily basis.

Although they are not miracle remedies, you can also try to practice relaxation techniques to temporarily stop dizziness caused by anxiety. For example:

  • Mindfulness: a relaxation technique that involves placing the mind in the here and now, focusing on the physical sensations that anchor us in the present moment. We tell you more about this technique in this article.
  • Controlled breathing: It consists of taking air through the nose gently and deeply. You need to be aware of the journey that the air makes through your body, and then expelling it through the mouth.
  • Meditation techniquessuch as visualizing a relaxing landscape and concentrating on feeling all the sensations you would notice if you were actually there.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012 and we can help you manage anxiety.

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