The relationship between tobacco and anxiety and depression – Online Psychologists

Even if you think that smoke It may be a kind of relaxant or tranquilizer because it relieves anxiety and stress, but the reality is very different. In fact, a study carried out in the United Kingdom by the University College London already revealed in 2015 that this popular belief was wrong: Smoking increased the risk of depression and anxiety by 70%. The study involved 6,500 people over 40 years of age, some of whom smoked and others who did not. Of the smokers, 18.3% had clear symptoms of anxiety and depression, in contrast to 10% of non-smokers and 11.3% of ex-smokers.

Relationship between depression and anxiety and smoking

Another more recent study carried out by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been published in the journal PLOS ONE and confirms that this relationship between smoking and a poor mental health It also points out that depression may be one of the factors that lead to the initiation of smoking in the university setting. Thus, the study reveals that smokers are twice as likely to suffer from depression than non-smokers. Depression is a very common disorder in youth and smoking students had rates of depression two and three times higher than their peers who did not smoke.

It is proven that those People who suffer from depression and anxiety are twice as likely to smoke than people who do not have these mental health-related illnesses. This fact proves that there is a greater risk of dying 25 years earlier.

Although tobacco is generally associated with stress relief, this is not true. It is true that This is a short-term relief in the face of that «need to smoke to have less anxiety», but as such, it will end up being replaced by the nicotine withdrawal stressThis syndrome is characterized by discomfort, high physiological activation and a high level of anxiety. Keep in mind that nicotine is a drug that first causes abuse, then a great dependence and, if you stop consuming, withdrawal syndrome.

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The relationship between tobacco use and depression It is more than evident, just as a high level of cortisol (i.e. stress) and anxiety increases the vulnerability to substance abusein this case, nicotine.

People with depression are the ones who smoke the most and find it most difficult to quit this harmful habit. Depressive disorder is the most serious in relation to smoking, because nicotine addiction causes a worse prognosis for the disease. Another study was conducted at the University of Granada which showed that nicotine dependence at the onset of a depressive disorder leads to more severe depression, more suicide attempts and more hospital admissions.

The severity of depression and tobacco dependence varies depending on which disorder began first. For example, research shows that patients who first suffered from depression and then from nicotine dependence attempted suicide more often, while at the same time presenting a more severe form of the illness.

Health problems when you smoke and have depression or anxiety

Smoking increases stress, anxiety and depression symptoms. It is common for some medications to be prescribed to treat both anxiety disorders and depression, and as a result of smoking, sometimes these medications are prescribed. medicines they don't work equally well.

In addition, people who smoke and have mental health problems are more likely to die from respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases or cancer than people who smoke but do not live with mental health disorders.

Advantages of quitting smoking

Quitting smoking will always be a challenge, but even the most experienced sufferers of depression or anxiety have successfully done it. And that is because forget about tobacco Not only does it reduce feelings of anxiety, depression or stress, but it also increases improves quality of life and mood. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of heart and respiratory diseases and death from them. If you suffer from depression and also consume alcohol, you are likely to drink less after quitting smoking.

These are the biggest ones health benefits when you stop smoking:

  • After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal. A few minutes later, carbon monoxide levels in the blood also drop to normal.
  • In a few weeks improve your circulation and will increase lung function.
  • After several months, there will be no cough. less difficulty breathingas your lungs and airways will be able to clear your lungs and therefore reduce the risk of infections.
  • Per year, the risk of heart disease is reduced by half.
  • At 5 years old, it will also be halved the risk of cancer (whether from the mouth, esophagus, throat…).
  • At age 10, the risk of dying from lung cancer is half.
  • At age 15, you will have the same risk of coronary heart disease as a non-smoker.
  • Less chance of blood clots forming that can reach the lungs.
  • Healthy skin, teeth and gums.

In short, quitting smoking is synonymous with take care of your health and make sure have a longer, healthier life. There are many ways, resources and programs to help you quit smoking. Try a free session with 's team of online psychologists and discover how we can help you quit smoking without the need for face-to-face visits.

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  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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