What is a sexologist and what is their role in mental health? – Online Psychologists

Sexuality is a fundamental part of our lives, and it is important to take care of it and keep it in good condition to enjoy a satisfactory sexual and relational life.

Sexologists are Mental health professionals specializing in the study and intervention in human sexualityand can help us resolve problems or difficulties in our sexual and relational life, improve our sexual and reproductive health, and understand and accept our sexual orientation and gender identity.

In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about sexologists and their role in mental health.

What is a sexologist?

A sexologist is a mental health professional who specializes in the study of human sexuality and helping people improve their sexual and relationship lives.

Sexologists have extensive training in psychology, sociology and health sciences, and are usually specialized in different areas such as sexual therapy, sexual education or sexual counseling.

What is your training and qualifications?

To be a sexologist it is necessary to have a university education in psychology, sociology or health sciences.

In addition, it is important to have specific training in human sexuality and therapeutic intervention, which can be acquired through university master's degrees or continuing education programs. In some countries, it is also necessary to be registered and have an official degree specializing in sexology.

What are the main areas of specialization of sexologists?

Sexologists can specialize in different areas according to their interests and the needs of the population they serve. Some of the main areas of specialization of sexologists are:

  • Sex therapy: Sexologists specialized in sexual therapy help people solve problems or difficulties in their sexual and relational life, such as sexual dysfunction, lack of desire or difficulties in establishing satisfactory intimate relationships.
  • Sex education: Sexologists specialized in sexual education are responsible for providing information and tools to improve people's sexual and reproductive health, as well as to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
  • Sexual counseling: Sexologists specializing in sexual counseling provide guidance and support to people to resolve specific doubts and problems related to their sexual life, such as how to cope with the change in sexual life after an illness or how to communicate with their partner about sexual needs and preferences.
  • Sexual and gender disorders:Sexologists specializing in sexual and gender disorders work with people who have problems related to their sexual or gender identity. They help these people understand and accept their sexual orientation and gender identity, and find ways to live fully and healthily in their bodies and in their environment.

Why is it important to put yourself in the hands of an expert?

Putting yourself in the hands of an expert is important because sexologists have the training and experience necessary to help people solve problems or difficulties in their sexual and relational lives effectively.

Furthermore, the work of a sexologist is confidential and respectful, which makes people feel comfortable and safe when talking about their problems and concerns.

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What treatments can sexologists offer?

Sexologists can offer different types of treatments, depending on the needs and characteristics of each person and the specialization of the professional. Some of the treatments that sexologists can offer are:

  • Individual therapy: Individual therapy is a form of treatment in which the patient and the sexologist work together individually to resolve problems or difficulties in sexual and relationship life. Individual therapy can be very useful in treating problems such as sexual dysfunction, lack of desire or difficulties in establishing satisfactory intimate relationships.
  • Couples therapy: Couples therapy is a form of treatment in which a sexologist works with a couple to help them resolve problems or difficulties in their relationship. Couples therapy can be very useful in improving communication and bonding between partners, and in resolving sexual or relationship problems.
  • Support groups:Support groups are meetings where a group of people with similar problems or difficulties come together to share their experiences and support each other. Sexologists may lead support groups to deal with problems such as sexual dysfunction, lack of desire or infidelity.

When is it advisable to go to a sexologist?

It is advisable to go to a sexologist when you experience problems or difficulties in your sexual or relational life that affect your quality of life or emotional well-being. Some of the signs that may indicate the need to go to a sexologist are:

  • Lack of sexual desire or sexual dysfunction.
  • Difficulties in establishing or maintaining satisfactory intimate relationships.
  • Communication problems in the couple.
  • Difficulties expressing sexual needs and preferences.
  • Feelings of guilt or shame related to sexuality.
  • Sexual or gender disorders.

It is important to keep in mind that each person is different and what may be a problem for one person may not be for another. Therefore, it is important to go to a sexologist if you feel that your sexual or relationship life is negatively affecting your quality of life or emotional well-being.

How can a sexologist's work help improve mental health?

The work of a sexologist can help improve mental health in several ways:

  • Helping to resolve problems or difficulties in sexual or relational life that affect emotional well-being.
  • Providing information and tools to improve sexual and reproductive health and prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
  • Providing guidance and support to resolve specific doubts and problems related to sexual life.
  • Helping people understand and accept their sexual orientation and gender identity and live fully and healthily in their bodies and their environment.

What techniques and methods do sexologists use in their work?

Sexologists use different techniques and methods in their work, depending on the needs and characteristics of each person and the specialization of the professional. Some of the techniques and methods that sexologists can use are:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of treatment that focuses on how we think and act, and how these patterns may negatively affect emotional well-being. Sexologists can use cognitive behavioral techniques to help people change negative or irrational thoughts that may be contributing to sexual or relationship problems, and to develop new, healthier patterns of thinking and behaving.
  • Relationship therapyRelationship therapy is a form of treatment that focuses on the relationship between the patient and the therapist, and how this relationship can help the patient understand and resolve problems or difficulties in his or her life. Sexologists may use relationship therapy techniques to help people improve communication and bonding with their partners, and to resolve sexual or relationship problems.
  • Relaxation techniquesRelaxation techniques are a set of exercises and practices that help people reduce stress and anxiety and increase feelings of well-being. Sexologists can use relaxation techniques to help people manage stress and anxiety related to sexual or relationship problems, and to improve sexual and reproductive health.


In conclusion, sexologists are mental health professionals specialized in the study and intervention in human sexuality.

Their work can help us resolve problems or difficulties in our sexual and relational lives, improve our sexual and reproductive health, and understand and accept our sexual orientation and gender identity.

If we experience problems or difficulties in our sexual or relational life that affect our quality of life or our emotional well-being, it is important to go to a sexologist to obtain professional help and support.

With the help of a sexologist, we can improve our sexual and relational life and live fully and healthily in our body and in our environment.