Leaving indifference to differentiate ourselves – Online Psychologists

Indifference. Surely you have ever felt that your partner ignores you and that your friends leave and then come back as if nothing happened.without telling you beforehand and without letting you know what's wrong. Something that doesn't seem important but makes you feel indifferent.

What is indifference?

Many times, in an argument or any problem, we feel that we need our bubble, to go away, disconnect, think about our things and take some time. Sometimes we don't know what to answer or how to do it at that moment without hurting the other person, therefore, that is indifference. This does not mean that we do it intentionally or to cause harm, but sometimes with that indifference we try to make the other person see what has hurt us.

When a person is in front of another and shows that indifference and gets into his bubble, the other person feels disconnected, feels alone, feels distance and feels cold. This is totally understandable since we are not all the same and Everyone needs to manage their emotions differently.

Hatred is not the most dangerous thing. It is indifference.

Lauren Oliver

The important thing is to know that part of indifference because the other person will normally feel completely disoriented. In fact, The other person can experience up to six different emotions or feelings every time a person feels indifference towards them. because you need to disconnect, as we have already said it is something normal, but it is necessary to know it.

What does that person feel when we disconnect from him/her?

  • Culpability: The other person feels guilty because they will think they have done something wrong and will be wondering where they went wrong. Whether they did something or not, this person will feel guilty because they will not know where this came from.
  • Loss: Suddenly we were talking, conversing or arguing and the other person is gone.
  • Confusing: He will wonder what happened, why the other person is not talking to him, why he left, he doesn't understand anything.

These are the most common questions that people who have someone by their side who needs to get into that bubble from time to time usually ask themselves. We remember that this is okay, the important thing is to know what is happening and if it is in our hands to be able to do it in another way without losing that time for us to think, organize our emotions…

  • Frustration: The person feels that the conversation has been cut off and that nothing can be done or moved forward.
  • Despair: The person feels desperate because he or she repeats the same things over and over again.
  • Distancing: The person becomes distant from the person next to them because we cut them off. The most important thing is to make it clear that when we get into our own bubble, the other person feels lost, disconnected, confused…

Therefore, it is normal that if this situation is repeated, the person will become more and more distant.

  • A person because You need to get into your bubblein your well-being, in your emotional management
  • The other person You will get tired of repeating the same questions again and again

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How can we change the way we disconnect?

The main idea is that if we need to manage our emotions in this way Let's understand what's happening on the other side and be more empathetic. Just as we have talked about six feelings that the other person suffers when someone gets into their bubble, there are also Five tricks that the person who disconnects can carry out to change that.

?Are you being the person you want to be?

The first question we have to ask ourselves is this. We must think about whether we are behaving the way we want to behave or not That's how it is, if we want to change something and if we want to express it in another way.

Finding out how we feel

The second question is also very essential since Many times the problem is that we don't even know how we feel.what we feel inside, or what has bothered us. Sometimes we don't know what's happening to us. We have to know how to connect with those emotions, understand them and know what's inside us. We must learn to investigate what has happened to us and what has made us disconnect in that way.

Expressing what we feel

It is very important to express our emotions to the person in front of us. They do not need to be on the topic because if we do not even know how we feel it is impossible to continue the conversation. What we do need is to know and understand what the other person is going through and tell the other person something that makes them feel like they have an expiration date.

A very favorable trick is put a keyword. Using this keyword can mean that we cannot be here right now, that we need some time. This way, the other person will know that we need to stop, focus on ourselves, recognize our emotions to know what is happening to us and thus be able to explain it. Some examples could be: tangerine, popcorn, cotton candy…

The idea is to put that keyword and agree on it with the other person and Every time we say it, we know what is happening to us and why we disconnect. This way the person will know that we are not showing indifference, that what we need is to reposition ourselves internally.

Ask for time

We have to be able to express to the other person the time we need to go out, talk to other people or do sports, in short, to disconnect, so that we can continue the conversation afterwards. This way the other person will know what is happening to us.

Communication is the basis of everything And if we communicate the reason for our disconnection, people will understand and stop bothering us.

If you have set a date and when the time comes you are still not well enough to talk, do not feel that capacity for self-management and calmness within yourself, it is okay, the person will understand.

People are like this and we manage emotions in this way, but Remember that love and affection are neither eternal nor impermeable. Take care of it and value it and things will change.

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