Toxic people: what they are, what their profiles are and how to deal with them – Online Psychologists

We all know toxic people People who are constantly complaining. People who are never happy with anything, everything seems wrong to them and they are always angry with the world. When we surround ourselves with people like this, it can become a problem. Being with a person who is constantly angry can end up harming you.

What are toxic people?

They are people who They have not matured emotionally. People who have great insecurities and who are also selfish. These people need to always be close to someone, who is considered their victim.

What they do is establish a relationship with another person and use it only to complain about their problems and vent their frustrations. In this way, this person becomes his personal therapistThe problem is that they only focus on talking about their problems and misfortunes, bringing only negative aspects to the relationship.

Because of this, toxic people end up annoying their victim. The fact that a person is constantly telling you about their problems, frustrations or misfortunes without providing a single positive aspect ends up exhaust yourself mentally.

The victim ends up experiencing it too negative emotions because he feels that being with that person is stealing his energy. That is why, when after being with someone we feel that we are not well, we feel tired, dull or frustrated, it is because we have been with a toxic person.

There are few things they do for their victim. From time to time they have some detailsmall favors that always have a personal interest. Such favors are often collected in the long run by toxic people. It is a kind of emotional blackmail«Since I did that favor, now you have to help me.» These are people who are considered suffocating.

They force the victim to do things they don't want to do just to make themselves feel good. overstep the limits of the other person simply to see how far they can go. They think that the other person lives essentially for and by them, that they are willing to help them in everything they need.

Toxic people never assume their responsibilities. When something happens, the blame always lies with others or, specifically, with the victim. They vent all their anger pessimistic feelings in the first person they see as accessible or vulnerable.

That is why they end up generating insecurities in the other person and emotional discomfort They only talk about their lives and how bad everything is going for them. They don't listen to the other person or offer any kind of emotional support.

If you think you are a victim of such a person, do not hesitate to ask for help. Contacting an online psychologist may be the solution you need.

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How can we identify a toxic person?

There are a number of traits and characteristics that can help us detect if we are with a toxic person. These are common details that we can find in this type of person.

We must be clear that these traits are common For both men and women, there is no distinction. Anyone can be toxic, regardless of their age or gender.

  • They cause discomfort in us

Many times we do not know why we feel bad or distressed when we are with a person.

His presence us uncomfortable It doesn't allow us to show ourselves as we are. In fact, on most occasions we prefer to avoid meeting them and even not interact if there are other people.

  • They complain most of the time

They are continuously complaining about everythingFor them, everything is a problem and everything bad happens to them.

Conversations with a toxic person will focus on talking about them and their problem. It's a single topic that they never get away from.

They never see things positively. They see everything from a negative point of view.

Always are negativefor them hope is the last option. That is, always They see the glass half empty.

  • They show themselves as victims.

Since everything bad happens to them, they are never to blame for anything. Toxic people show themselves as vulnerable peoplefor them nothing is their responsibility.

His problems and worries are always bigger than everyone else's. If something happens to someone, surely something similar or worse has happened to him. His problem will never be less important than anyone else's.

They do nothing to improve their supposed problems. They spend their lives complaining, but they do not “lift a finger” to change their frustrations.

They never try anything different, They do not experienceHowever, it seems to bother them when people around them do it.

It costs them show gratitude with what they have and have achieved in their life. They spend their time criticizing others and envying what others have achieved.

They can't help but talk about what others have and always want what others have instead of focusing on their own and achieving their goals.

By nature they are gossipy people those who like to criticize others. Usually create rumors or they always talk about others with criticism.

Even if they don't know the person they are talking about, they tend to judge based on their own prejudices and preconceived ideas.

  • They lack self-criticism.

Believing that they do not have any kind of responsibilityThey also do not consider that they make any mistakes. They are people who find it very difficult to accept that they have made a mistake or to recognize that they have made a mistake.

They never reflect on what they may have done wrong or on the situations they have caused. Victimhood makes them always see themselves as the “poor things”, never as guilty of anything.

Are constantly frustrated and complaining about everything. This means that they are never seen happy. They do not know how to enjoy the small details or the good things in life. Envy makes them spend their time criticizing without moving forwardThey limit themselves to judging, comparing themselves to others and criticizing instead of worrying about themselves and their happiness.

What types of toxic people exist?

We can find different profiles of toxic people:

  • VictimizersThey are the ones who blame others for everything that happens. They are dedicated to spreading the feeling of guilt through emotional blackmail.
  • CriticsThey spend hours criticizing and judging people. They disqualify any idea their victim has. This generates feelings of discomfort in the other person and weakens their self-esteem.
  • AggressiveThere are toxic people who are verbally aggressive. Their goal is to provoke insecurity in their victim to make them vulnerable. They disrespect them and undervalue them by humiliating them.
  • ManipulatorsThey have the ability to do whatever they want with their victims. They deceive with their stories in order to obtain their own benefits.
  • NarcissistsThey believe themselves to be perfect and cannot stand anyone contradicting them; there is no such thing as a yes to them. They are always giving life lessons to others and believe they have the right to interfere in other people's lives.

What to do with a toxic person?

The best thing you can do when you have discovered that you have a relationship (love or friendship) with a toxic person, is cut to the chase.

You should tell the person that you don't want to continue seeing them, and explain everything that bothers you. Communicate your reasons in an open and respectful way. If the person doesn't want to understand you in a friendly way, the best thing you can do is to distance yourself from them forever and without giving any kind of explanation.

You have to be clear that toxic people only poison who they can, not who they want. They feed on good people who they perceive as vulnerable because they know they will help them. If you see that you have a relationship with someone like that, get away. Do it for you and for your mental well-being.

Toxic people know how manipulate you and handle you to make you do what they want, they feed on your energy. This, in the long run, can cause you many problems. psychological problems. Don't be afraid to let that person go, with time you will realize that he or she was not doing you any good.

We must also know that a toxic person is not born that way. They are traumas, problems in his childhood either insecurities what makes him be like that. Toxicity is a behavior that is acquired over time and, therefore, can change. Every person can transform their toxic behaviors into nourishing ones. It is up to them to make the decision to change.

In Psychia We give you the opportunity to turn your life around. Put yourself in the hands of a online psychologist that gives you the opportunity to put aside that toxicity and become a person who knows how to take advantage of the things and experiences in life.