5 signs that you feel emotionally empty and how to overcome it – Online Psychologists

“Signs that you feel empty” is a search term that a large number of patients use to come to our consultation. That is why we wanted to write an extensive article about it.

Our intention is to analyze each of these signs that make that phrase “I feel empty” come to mind.

Let's start with a premise: emotional emptiness is a feeling of lack of emotion or connection with others. You may feel empty, as if something important is missing in your life or as if you are disconnected from your own emotions and needs.

Although it is normal to experience moments of emotional emptiness, if this feeling is constant or interferes with your ability to enjoy life, it is important to seek professional help. Psychologists can help you identify the causes of your emotional emptiness and develop strategies to overcome it.

Psychology to alleviate the effects of an existential crisis

Before we focus in depth on the symptoms of emotional emptiness, we want to emphasize one aspect: the importance of putting yourself in the hands of a professional.

A psychologist with experience in treating emotional emptiness and childhood trauma provides guidance and support to work on healing and reconnecting with oneself and others.

Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand your feelings and find ways to manage them in a healthy way. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel you need additional support to deal with your feelings of emotional emptiness.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career We have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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Signs that you feel empty

Now, let's focus in depth on the signs that you feel empty:

Sign #1: Lack of motivation or interest in activities you used to enjoy

One sign that you may be feeling emotionally empty is a lack of motivation or interest in activities you used to enjoy. In the words of British therapist Anne Runkle, “There is a feeling of discomfort or lack of enthusiasm for things that normally give you pleasure.«This lack of motivation or interest can be a sign that something important is missing in your life and may be a sign that you need to find activities that provide you with a sense of purpose and meaning.

According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology in 2011, titled «The role of motivation in psychotherapy: A systematic review«Motivation is an important factor in the process of change in therapy and can be especially helpful in overcoming emotional emptiness. Psychologists can help you explore your interests and values ​​and develop a plan to integrate meaningful activities into your life.

Sign #2: Constant feeling of sadness or apathy

This constant feeling can manifest itself in a lack of interest in activities that used to be rewarding or in a decreased ability to enjoy things.

In the words of Anne Runkle, «The feeling of emotional emptiness often manifests itself as a feeling of sadness or apathy, a lack of interest or energy to do things that used to be rewarding«.

To overcome this lack of interest in activities that used to be rewarding, it's important to find ways to connect with the things you care about and that give you a sense of purpose.

This can include finding activities that make you feel alive and give you a sense of accomplishment, such as a hobby or a job you're passionate about. It can also be helpful to practice self-care and do things that make you feel good about yourself, such as exercising, eating healthy foods, and getting enough rest.

Sign #3: Social isolation and difficulty connecting with others

If you feel lonely or disconnected from others, you may feel disconnected from your own emotions and needs. According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships in 2016, titled “The role of attachment in social connections: A meta-analysis,” emotional connection with others is an important factor in emotional satisfaction and well-being.

In the words of Anne Runkle, “It's like a chronic feeling that love can't come in or a scared reaction when love shows up or a set of defenses that block love from showing up at all.«.

To overcome this lack of interest in activities we used to enjoy, it is important to find ways to connect with others and participate in activities that make you feel alive and connected. Some ways to do this may include:

  • Get together with friends and family, either in person or via video calls.
  • Participate in group activities that you are passionate about, such as clubs or discussion groups.
  • Volunteer at a non-profit organization.
  • Attend events and activities in your community.
  • Make new friends through activities and hobbies that interest you.

Sign #4: Excessive dependence on substances or addictive behaviors

Another sign that you are feeling emotionally empty is an over-reliance on addictive substances or behaviors. This is because these substances or behaviors may provide a temporary sense of relief or escape from feelings of emptiness. However, in the long term, these addictive behaviors can make feelings of emptiness worse and can have serious consequences for health and well-being.

In the words of Anne Runkle, “Dependence on addictive substances or behaviors is often an attempt to fill an emotional void, but in the long term, this only exacerbates the problem and can lead to serious consequences for health and well-being.«.

If you feel driven to use substances or engage in addictive behaviors to escape the emotional void, it is important to seek professional help.

According to a study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment in 2012, titled «Motivational interviewing for substance abuse,» Motivational interviewing can be effective in treating substance dependence and overcoming emotional emptiness.

Sign #5: Lack of meaning or purpose in life

Another sign that you feel emotionally empty is a lack of meaning or purpose in life. If you feel directionless or without a clear goal, you may feel disconnected from your own emotions and needs.

According to a study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology in 2013, titled “The role of meaning in positive psychology: A meta-analysis,” having a sense of purpose and meaning is an important factor in emotional well-being and can help overcome emotional emptiness.

How to overcome emotional emptiness

Although it can be difficult to overcome emotional emptiness, there are several strategies that can help. Before we mention them, we must reiterate the importance of seeking professional help, who are specialists in identifying the causes of your emotional emptiness and developing strategies to overcome it.

  1. Practice meditation or mindfulnessMeditation and mindfulness can help you calm down and connect with your emotions and needs.
  2. Practice self-careSelf-care is important to maintaining your emotional well-being. Practice activities that make you feel good about yourself, such as exercising, eating healthy foods, and getting enough rest.
  3. Connect with othersConnecting with others can help you feel less alone and give you purpose and meaning in life. Look for opportunities to interact with others and participate in activities that make you feel connected to a community.
  4. Accept your emotionsAlthough it can be difficult to accept emotional emptiness, it is important to remember that all emotions are valid and that you should not judge yourself for feeling a certain way. Accept your emotions and allow them to flow rather than trying to ignore or suppress them.
  5. Find meaningful activities. Meaning and purpose in life can help fill the emotional void. Find activities that make you feel alive and give you a sense of purpose, such as a hobby or a job you are passionate about.
  6. Explore the root causes of emotional emptinessAs Anna Runkle mentions, emotional emptiness is often a sign that something important is missing in our lives. It can be helpful to explore possible root causes of this feeling, such as a lack of connection with self or others, a lack of meaning and purpose in life, or past trauma. Psychologists can help you explore these causes and find ways to heal and move forward. Runkle says, “What all these letters I’m getting are about is this emptiness we’re feeling. The instinctive knowing that we’re incomplete in a tragic way because we haven’t fully experienced love.” This reflection suggests the importance of exploring the root causes of emotional emptiness and finding ways to connect with love and connection.

How to work on healing childhood trauma and reconnect with yourself and others

In the words of Anne Runkle, emotional emptiness is “a feeling of lack of connection with oneself and with others«. One of the harshest consequences of early trauma is «the injury to our ability to connect with other people«, which can manifest itself in»a chronic feeling that love cannot enter» or in «defenses that block love from showing«.

Therapy can be a useful tool to work on healing childhood trauma and improve a person's ability to form healthy, stable relationships. Some therapies that may be helpful include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), attachment therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and exposure therapy. In addition to seeking professional help, it can also be helpful to practice self-care and seek out opportunities to interact with others and participate in activities that make you feel connected to a community.

It is important to note that healing from childhood trauma is a process that can take time and may require the help of a trained professional, such as a psychologist. However, with work and determination, it is possible to reconnect with yourself and others and feel less emotionally empty.