Hereditary depression: myth or reality? – Online Psychologists

Depression is a disorder that affects more than 300 million people Worldwide, it is the leading cause of disability and affects more women than men, according to data provided by the World Health Organization.

It is a mental illness that causes apathya low mood and may be accompanied by negative feelings such as guilt, irritability or pessimism, as well as a decrease in appetite or concentration.

Although we have more and more knowledge about this pathology, the truth is that there are certain gapsas many people wonder whether it is a hereditary disease or not.

But can it this disorder can be transmitted from parents to children through genes?

Causes of depression

We can understand depression as a biological disorderbut at same time It is caused by a series of external situations.

This disease occurs in most cases due to the interaction of biological factors that end up giving rise to the symptomatology typical of depression.

What are these factors?

  • Brain chemistry. Brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine play an important role, since alterations in their functioning are directly related to depression.
  • Hormones. They can be essential in cases of depression in pregnant women, in menopause… That is, in stages in which drastic changes in hormonal levels occur.
  • Psychosocial and personality factors.


The most common types of depression are:

  • Major or severe depression. People who suffer from this type of depression have depressive symptoms most of the day, almost every day, preventing them from developing their lives correctly.
  • Persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia. In this case, symptoms last at least two years and during that stage there may be periods when symptoms are mild.
  • Postpartum depression. It is suffered by women who have given birth and can occur just after giving birth or even a year later.

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  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. It causes depressive symptoms that appear a week before menstruation.
  • Seasonal affective disorder. It appears most frequently in autumn and winter, and depressive symptoms manifest as these seasons approach.
  • Major depression with psychotic features. The person who experiences this type of depression suffers from it along with a loss of contact with reality.
  • Bipolar disorder. Depression is often considered one of the phases of bipolar disorder.

Is it hereditary?

As we have already mentioned, the development of this disease depends on genetic and environmental factors, so it is estimated to be hereditary in a 40% or 50%.

That is to say, There is a genetic factorso genetic variations can be passed from parents to children, but this It does not mean that they go to develop the disorder necessarily.

In addition, various studies claim that there are certain genes known as «genes of depression» which increase the risk of suffering from this disease.

But it is about one more componentnot the only one, since this disorder is based on the interaction of multiple factors. To determine the origin of mental illnesses Various components must be taken into accountso although genetic load may influence in this case, it does not have to be inherited.


Treatment for depression depends on the characteristics of each specific case, but it is essential to seek therapy and see a doctor.

The treatment that a person with depression should receive consists of psychotherapy and in some cases pharmacotherapy.

Thanks to the psychotherapy A patient with depression will learn to correct distorted thoughts and to de-dramatize the situation. In addition, by going to therapy he will feel safe and understood.

As we have already mentioned, in some cases recourse is made to the drugs and antidepressants and anxiolytics are used to combat depression, always with the authorization of a doctor.