Depression leave: requirements, types and duration – Online Psychologists

The number of cases of workers that are on sick leave for mental health reasons ha increased considerably in recent yearsaround 50% of sick leaves are psychological.

Although the depression affects 264 million people, mental health in the workplace remains a very neglected and even forgotten issue. These types of disorders have a very large presence in society, so it is essential to put into operation the mechanisms needed to ensure that workers with mental health problems feel supported and have the necessary tools at their disposal to move forward.

The current situation has aggravated mental health problems in the population, but many, if not most, people still go to work. fear of losing their jobs, the stigma surrounding mental health or the lack of information on the subject, are some of the Reasons that lead workers to not request sick leave for depression.

All workers have the right to request sick leave for depression, but when can I request it? Can I be fired? How long can it last? Below we resolve all your doubts.

What is depression leave?

Depression leave is a type of sick leave that It is contemplated when the worker is psychologically incapacitated to carry out his work responsibilities..

As with other sick leave, it must be certified by a doctor and the most common causes are a diagnosis of depression, which is sometimes associated with family or personal problems, stressful situations and even work conflicts.

In fact, with regard to this last case, the High Court of Justice of Castilla y León has recently considered as a leave due to occupational accident a leave due to depression caused by a warning received by an employee.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the main cause of work disability.

Types of depression

The most common types of depression are:

Major or severe depression

People who suffer from this type of depression have depressive symptoms most of the dayalmost every day and interfere with your ability to work, sleep, eat, socialize with others, or study.

Persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia

In this case, the depressive symptoms last at least two years. During that period the Depression may be greater but with periods when symptoms are milder.

Although these two are the most common, there are other types of depression that are due to exceptional circumstances:

Postpartum depression

It is a depression that ranges from moderate to intense and is suffered by women who have given birth. It can occur after childbirth or even a year later, although in the Most cases occur within three months after.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

This type of disorder causes Severe irritability or depressive symptoms that appear one week before menstruationSymptoms of PMDD include feelings of sadness or despair, panic attacks, lack of interest in everyday activities or relationships, fatigue, and even trouble thinking or concentrating.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

It is a form of depression that It appears most frequently in autumn and winter and disappears in spring and summer. Depressive symptoms appear as these seasons approach, probably due to the lack of sunlight.

Major depression with psychotic features

It is a mental disorder in which the person who experiences it suffers depression associated with a loss of contact with reality (psychosis).

In addition to the loss of contact with reality, the patient presents a series of symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions.

Bipolar disorder

The Depression can be one of the phases of bipolarityPeople who suffer from this disease experience extreme moods.

Depression in figures according to the WHO

  • Depression affects 264 million people
  • It is the leading cause of disability worldwide
  • Depression affects more women than men
  • At worst, can lead to suicide
  • There are effective treatments to treat depression

In which cases can I request sick leave for depression?

To request sick leave for depression we find two types of contingencies or circumstances that support it:

Common contingencies

He The origin of depression is unrelated to work activityThe most common are personal, family or financial problems.

This type of sick leave is certified by the employee's primary care physician.

Professional contingencies

In this case it is different, because the depression of the worker It has arisen for reasons related to his work.

Workplace harassment, a poor working environment or stress are some of the causes of this type of sick leave due to depression. In addition, the mutual insurance company is responsible for managing the sick leave.


Although sick leave for depression is a right that all workers have, there are a series of requirements that you must meet in order to request it:

  • Be registered with Social Security and in the case of a professional autonomousmust be up to date with the payment of their fees corresponding.
  • In the case of common contingencies The worker who requests it must have contributed at least 180 days in the previous 5 years.

Can it be confidential?

Communicating to the company the reasons for the leave is employee decisionr. As we have already mentioned, this type of sick leave must be certified by a medical professional, and this is the only person who must be aware of the employee's situation. It is the employee who decides whether or not to communicate the nature of his/her sick leave, as it is a sensitive issue that is surrounded by a certain stigma.

How much do you get paid while you are on sick leave for depression?

The Social security wave mutual They are responsible for paying the corresponding benefit according to the contingency:

  • The first three days the worker who is on sick leave does not receive any benefit for common contingenciesbut Yeah for the professionals.
  • Between day 4 and day 20 of sick leavereceives the benefit equivalent to 60% of its contribution base.
  • From the 21stthe worker receives the 75% of its contribution base.

It is possible that the amount received by the worker may be higher (if provided for in the collective agreement), but it will never be lower than the previous figures.

How long can a depression leave last?

A worker can remain on sick leave for depression for a maximum of 12 consecutive monthsbut if the family doctor or the mutual doctor consider that there are sufficient reasons to extend the leave, this It can be extended for another 6 months.

If after this time the worker has not recovered, his case will be studied by a Medical CourtThis may terminate the leave, which means the immediate return of the employee, or it may permanently or temporarily incapacitate him.

Can I be fired for having depression?

To answer this question is It is important to consult the contract signed since the dismissal of a worker who is on sick leave due to depression is permitted by law, provided that some clause has been breached.

It is also important to read the contract carefully, as many include the possibility of suspending the contract until the worker is reinstated.


During the low due to depressionthe worker has a series of rights that support him.

His only real obligation is to recover, since he has a health problem that has resulted in sick leave and, therefore, in his temporary disability.

You do not have to answer calls or emails, or perform any work-related tasks. In addition, if you are on sick leave due to occupational hazards, doing these types of activities could aggravate your illness, so it is advisable to avoid them.

Tips to reduce sick leave due to depression

Sick leave for depression is a right that all workers have and an option that they can resort to if they are not feeling well enough to carry out their work activity.

Although the Companies should implement a series of measures to reduce cases of depression in their workers and therefore, cases of sick leave due to psychological reasons.

Some of the measures that should be implemented are:


It is proven that Companies that incorporate mindfulness programs reduce sick leave due to depression or anxiety by 78%.

According to a study by Adecco, the introduction of this type of initiative, in addition to reducing sick leave for psychological reasons, increases employee productivity by 20%.

Exercise, play some sport

We all know that exercise can prevent health problems, but it is also important to know that, Physical activity improves symptoms related to depression.

When you exercise, you release endorphins, a series of natural brain chemicals and other substances that improve your sense of emotional well-being.

Another benefit is the mental liberation you experience while doing any type of physical activity; all negative and intrusive thoughts disappear and your mind is focused on the effort and exercise you are doing.

It is a very effective way to reduce stress and has many psychological benefits.

Raising awareness among employees

Raising awareness among workers about the importance of mental health and how to avoid workplace conflicts and know how to identify them in time is essential..

Although not all depression-related absences are due to occupational hazards, many of them are and are due to a poor working environment or even some type of conflict with the rest of the staff.

Raising employee awareness of these issues is therefore essential to reducing sick leave due to depression.

Having a team of psychologists at the service of employees

Going to therapy is essential if you suffer from depression. A psychologist will be able to study your specific case and give you the necessary tools to be able to move forward and overcome your depression.

Is It is very important that companies provide this type of service to their employees.Having a team of psychologists would be very useful to reduce sick leave for psychological reasons and to significantly increase the quality of workers' mental health.

Return plan, reintegration

Mental health problems in the workplace are a reality and can affect anyone, regardless of their profession.

These types of problems can lead to a sick leave due to depression from which the worker can recover and return to work without any problems, or in some cases, there is the possibility that his ability to carry out his work…