I am sad and discouraged. What can I do? – Online Psychologists

Feeling sad or discouraged is normal. They are two basic and universal emotions in human beings. They can appear for various reasons and, unfortunately, they can accompany us for a long period of time.

If it is true that, if sadness or discouragement They are with us very frequently and not normally, it is time to go to a professional who will give us advice and tell us what to do in the situation. In the most extreme cases it can lead to depression.

There are days when, for some reasons, or sometimes even without them, you wake up sad and discouraged, which prevents you from having the strength to face the day. These emotions They are trying to drown you, but, even if it is difficult, don't allow it.

Negative emotions

The sadness arises from grief, loss and hurt. It becomes more intense and long lasting and even more so if it comes from a feeling of loneliness and is fueled by itself, by the discouragement it produces.

Of physical formSadness affects blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tone and neuronal activity. In the cognitivenegativity and memories that cause us pain appear. It triggers apathetic and inactive behavior and makes us feel sadder.

As with all emotions, sadness lasts for a while. Even though we try to avoid it and remove it from our lives, professionals do not recommend that, but rather accept it. We have to see what information it gives us about ourselves and about what happens to us. The last step is to see What tools do we have to manage it? and make it disappear.

Tips if you are sad and discouraged

1. Acceptance

Being sad is normal and there is nothing wrong with it. As we have already mentioned, emotions must be accepted as they are, and The sooner they accept, the better they will be managed.

It is an opportunity to analyze what is happening to us and what we need to be happy. We should not judge ourselves for what we feelfor being sad and discouraged, but We cannot expect these emotions to go away without doing anything on our part.

2. A healthy diet

It is very common that in moments when you are sad and discouraged your diet is affected, most likely or Don't be hungry or be more hungry than usual. These reactions can lead to compulsive eating of unhealthy foods, then We feel guilty and, consequently, we feel worse. than we already were.

Must eat properlysince a nutritional deficiency can also worsen mood. There are foods that have minerals, vitamins and fatty acids and are very good for our nervous system. Some of them are: walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, chestnuts, avocado, seeds, lettuce or spinach, oats, legumes, citrus fruits, oily fish and eggs.

3. Doing sports

Exercising at a medium intensity releases serotonin, one of the happiness hormones that makes us feel happy and joyful. Many studies reveal that doing sports It is very effective as taking antidepressants.

4. Taking care of your personal appearance

When you are sad and discouraged, the most common thing is to present that apathy that negative feelings release. What it does is that you stop doing activities and spend more time at home without going out, something that can translate into leaving personal hygiene behind.

Besides, If we don't clean ourselves we will feel worse. When you are sad and you clean yourself up or make yourself pretty, your happiness immediately increases a little.

5. Enjoy the outdoors

Taking a walk in nature brings us harmony and tranquility, reduces anxiety and stress and gives us a boost of energy.

6. Listen to music

Music has such emotional power that it is able to influence our mood. If it is true that When we are sad we prefer to listen to sad music, So we can take advantage of this to do those introspection and analysis exercises that bring out our feelings and help us identify what we need.

Other times too It is good to listen to happy music that brings us happiness in those moments of depression.

7. Sharing our feelings

For these situations, talk about our problems and what we feel with people we trust It is a good way to channel your feelings. If you don't like talking about it with others you can try writing them down in a notebook.

Telling our problems to others can make us see things from another perspective and in a clearer way.

8. Active social life

Feeling alone and without company makes us feel sadder. It is recommended lead an active social life and go out with friends or family to distract ourselves and disconnect the mind for a few moments.

9. Doing things we like

Doing activities that we haven't done for a long time and that we like is something that can make us feel good since promotes positive thoughts and emotions.

10. Letting go

Everything in our lives is cycles: a new job, a breakup, moving to a new city, the loss of someone we love, etc.

Life is about changes and we have to be able to accept that we have to stop looking at the past and look to the future. We must be brave, have hope and good self-esteem.

11. Recommended colors and scents

Although it may seem untrue, color has a therapeutic function on us. For this reason we should try do not dress in black, brown or grey, that is, in dark tones.

It is recommended that dress in colors like green which is balancing, the blue which is relaxing or the violet which is spiritual. The reds and oranges They provide energy and vitality.

Smells also have the same function. Citrus scents such as rosemary, sandalwood, cypress, basil or fir They provoke a feeling of happiness and positivity within ourselves.

12. Short-term goals

Set small goals for ourselves every day They help us to get out of sadness and discouragement. In addition, If we get them, our spirits will be greatly elevated.

13. Kindness and good humor

Behaving well with others and being kind It causes others to be kind to us as well, which will make us feel better. If we combine this with humor and do not take things so seriously and dramatically, problems will become relative and our life will be easier.

14. Loving yourself

Being sad and discouraged only serves to make you stay at home, not go out and not enjoy life. You have to avoid it.

Any effort will help you gradually emerge from the negative emotions you are immersed in. You must be happy and renew yourself, find yourself and do what you never dared to do.

To live is to achieve goals and take on the challenges that appear in our daily lives.

If after these tips you still find that you cannot deal with it, our psychologists at will help you.

The first session is free. Try it!