7 ideas to know what you want to do in your life – Online Psychologists

Have you ever stopped to think if you are wearing the life you want? Many times our pace of life does not allow us to reflect on what we have done, what we are doing and, most importantly, on what we would really like to do. You may not have any aim or you may have them, but you don't know how to get them.

Whether or not there are objectives, you always have to have a general one in mind to know which path to choose.

No matter how old you are, the doubt that arises around which direction to take is a void that fills many people.

Which path do I choose?

Nobody can tell you what it is the best way to choose. In fact, there will be more than one different path that will take you to the same place, but you have to be the one to decide. And like every decision, this one is accompanied by uncertaintyThat's what taking risks is all about. You shouldn't let other people lead you, because it will be a sign that you trust others more than yourself.

  • The first thing you have to do is listen to yourself, focus on your emotions.
  • Then, make use of the reason.

There must be a balance between what we want as expressed by our emotions and the way to achieve it through the use of reason. You need to analyze whether the goals you have set for yourself are realistic and whether you can really achieve them.

  • If they are not, you will fall into the procrastinationIt is not good to set yourself an unattainable challenge (at least in the short or medium term) because it can be overwhelming and you will put it aside.
  • In addition, you must take into account a planning once you know what you want.

Imagine that, for example, you have decided to learn a new language. Set small, concrete goals And the moment in which you are going to do them will help you a lot. “This week I will learn vocabulary and, the next, I will review it and focus on some of the verb conjugations.” But don’t put pressure on yourself, just because you are going to study these verbs doesn’t mean you have to learn absolutely all the conjugations. You have to keep a pace that is easy for you.

A good advice is Carry out without excuses what you have planned so as not to lose the thread and remain consistent.

  • The motivation It is essential to achieve your goals, don't forget it.

And what do I do with my life?

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you don't know what to do with your life:

  1. Think about your life in the long termfor example, 5 years from now. Where do you see yourself? What would you like to do? Write it down somewhere so that you can look back objectively over time.
  2. He 's online psychologist team It can help you gain confidence and improve your self-esteem, so that little by little your ideas become clearer. Try one free online therapy session.
  3. LeeSelf-help books will open your eyes and you will be able to find good advice to start with.
  4. Connect with your environment, with those around you. Open your mind and heart to new experiences that will ultimately inspire you and push you toward other paths or goals.
  5. Participate in volunteer-related activitiesIt's a great way to meet people who exude motivation and positivity. Plus, you'll discover deeper traits in yourself.
  6. Fulfill your passionIt's time to do what you've always wanted to do and what you never had the courage to do, usually because excuses such as “I'm too old for this anymore”, “I don't have time” or “what are they going to think of me”.
  7. Put your fears aside. What are you afraid of? Recognizing your fears is identifying them, so facing them will restore your self-confidence. It is a good step towards personal growth.
  8. Be brave and make decisions. If you do nothing you will stay in your comfort zone forever.

It is normal to experience mixed feelings when you don't know what to do with your life. distress It devours you because you feel outside of a society that, in your opinion, has everything clear, while you do not find meaning in your life and you do not have purposes.

This suffering will disappear as you take action. Going through a period of doubt is necessary to find ourselves and learn to listen to our feelings.

Remember that all roads lead to Rome. What is urgent is to act to achieve the change you need. The path you choose may be longer or shorter, it may have ups and downs and even take many turns, but the truly important thing is that you are already in the process of change that will make you happier and make you feel self-sufficient.

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