Attitude and aptitude: they are not the same, but you need both – Online Psychologists

There are concepts that often get tangled up in our heads: Is psychology the same as psychiatry? Are attitude and aptitude synonyms? These are some of the doubts that arise throughout life and that many people never manage to resolve.

However, you need to learn to differentiate between attitude and aptitude. If a teacher tells you, “I don’t like your attitude,” you should know that he or she is referring to your way of behaving. Similarly, if in a job interview the human resources manager tells you: «We are looking for a profile with other skills,» you should understand that what they need is a person with certain skills. skills different from yours.

But skills are not the only key factor if you are looking for a job or if, on the contrary, you are already fully immersed in the whirlwind of the working world. You should know that companies also value a good attitude.

So that you can train both things, we are going to teach you to differentiate between these very similar terms. If you want to know everything about attitudes and aptitudes, don't hesitate to continue reading.

Succeed in the business world thanks to attitude and aptitude

Are you looking for a job and want to maximise your chances of succeeding in the endless interviews that await you? Do you want to ask your boss for a promotion and need to show him that you meet all the requirements to deal with the responsibility that this would entail? Have you just joined a company and would you like to show your colleagues that you can be a key part of the team?

If the answer is yes, then you have to learn how to make the most of your attitude and your skills. But let's go in order. The first thing is that you learn to differentiate between what is an attitude and what is an aptitude.

What is attitude?

The Royal Spanish Academy defines «attitude» in one of its meanings as «disposition of mind manifested in some way»That is, when we talk about attitude we refer to your way of being and behaving.

It is a broad concept, which covers a multitude of aspects: your personality In general, yes, but also your way of seeing things, your predisposition to face adversity, your versatility, your ability to be natural with your family, your friends, your colleagues…

In short, we can say that the term attitude refers to all the aspects that determine the way you deal with what happens to you.

When someone refers to a person's attitude in the workplace, they are probably referring to a number of different things. For example, it is the way someone faces a new project, the way they relate to their colleagues or the mood they show when going to work.

What about fitness?

The dictionary includes several definitions of aptitude, all of them similar. If we had to choose one, we would choose either the «capacity and disposition for the good performance or exercise of a business, an industry, an art, etc.»or with the «sufficiency or suitability to obtain and exercise a job or position.»

And the concept of aptitude is quite simple to understand, since it refers to the skillsboth physical and mental, that a person has to perform a certain task.

As its name suggests, Your abilities define whether or not you are fit to do something. Unfortunately, some skills are innate and you won't be able to obtain them no matter how much you train or study. Others, however, can be learned through techniques such as reskilling or the upskilling.

For example, talent is commonly considered to be something innate. There are people who have a knack for writing. We are talking about people who are good at memorizing spelling and grammar rules, at coming up with stories, and at narrating in a literary style. If you don't have this talent, it's hard to write a book like a professional, no matter how often you read and write.

If attitude is closely related to personality, aptitudes are closely related to knowledge and qualities.

Differences between attitude and aptitude

Your skills define what you can do. Your attitude defines how you do it. In other words, if attitude refers to a person's character, aptitude refers to ability.

It is true that they are concepts with some similarity. However, understanding their differences is very easy if an example is used to explain them.

We are going to use an example that we know first hand: the example of the psychologist.

In the case of a psychology professional, we can say that he has a good attitude if he is open to understanding his patients and does not judge them when they tell him about a problem. Also if he makes an effort to find solutions and to use accessible language so that the patient understands his explanations.

Their skillshowever, are another matter. To carry out their work correctly, a psychologist must have specific knowledge of psychology and must have the tools to apply this knowledge to real cases. In addition, they must know how to treat different pathologies.

At we have a team of professional psychologists who have the attitude and skills necessary to treat various problems. If you are interested in contacting an online psychologist, all you have to do is make an appointment.

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Does attitude or aptitude matter more?

Now that you know the difference between the two terms, you may be wondering: which is more important Which of these is essential to succeed in the world of work, or to carry out that project that you have in mind? Let me tell you that the answer is: both.

You can't separate what you do from how you do it. If you want to give your best, then You must cultivate both your attitude and your skillsAny job offer you come across will surely require a profile with a perfectly defined attitude and aptitudes.

The best thing you can do is find a balance between having a good attitude and having good skills.

And it's also important to remember that perfection is an unrealistic ambition. You have the right to fail, and you will. Being the best in a world with billions of people is nearly impossible, so you're better off just being the best version of yourself.

If you are looking for a job and feel that your perfectionism has become an obstacle, perhaps it is time to put your mental health in the hands of a psychologist.

In we are Experts in online therapy Since 2012, throughout our history, we have helped more than 1,600 patients improve their mood.

Furthermore, we want to help everyone and that is precisely why we fight day after day to democratize therapy. Being an online alternative to traditional therapy, we can afford to reduce prices to make them affordable to the vast majority. That is precisely why with us you can go to the psychologist from 40 euros per session.

If you would also like us to put you in contact with our team of psychologists, you can do so by clicking on the button below.