This is what it really means to dream that you fall 😧 – Online Psychologists

Experiencing a blast of air hitting your face as you plummet into the void is a harrowing sensation. You're in a frantic state, desperately searching for something to hold on to before you reach the bottom, but there's no help within reach. Terror grips you as you glimpse the bottom, and suddenly, you wake up!

You lie in your bed, heart beating fast, but safe. It was just a dream.

Dreaming that you fall It may be disturbing, but common. Read on to understand take a closer look at the meanings behind dreams of falling and if there is anything you can do about it.

Why do we dream that we fall?

We dedicate approximately a third of our lives to sleep, and the dreams we experience during this state arouse great interest. Dreams involve sensory, emotional and mental experiences, and although they can occur in any phase of sleep, they are most common during the phase known as REM, where nightmares occur.

Although not everyone remembers the stories they experienced during their nightly rest, some people experience recurring dreams, those that repeat themselves with the same content over and over again. In fact, about 75% of adults report having experienced these types of dreams at some point in their lives.

Types of dreams about falling and their interpretations

The dreams of falls They are so common that you have probably had more than one throughout your life.

  • Fall backwards: This dream could mean that you miss the support of those closest to you.
  • Fall on your hands: It could indicate that you are taking care of your family members and need some help.
  • Losing balance: You may be experiencing instability and desperately needing some grounding in reality in your life.
  • Loss of control: You may be losing control in life when you are used to having everything under control, making you feel like you are holding on by a thread in your daily life.
  • Being pushed: If someone you know pushes you in the dream, it could indicate that there is an aspect of your personality similar to that person that has been neglected and is looking to be fed or cared for.
  • Hang on: Holding on tightly in your dream means that you are struggling to maintain control, but the situation is about to get out of hand. This could indicate that a relationship is taking its toll and you are feeling emotionally drained.
  • Slip: Dreaming that you are slipping and falling to your death may make you wake up crying, but it simply means that you might be about to make a decision that could cause emotional distress.
  • Fall of others: What does it mean to dream that someone else is falling? This could indicate that you might be the subject of someone's misjudgment, or it could also be an opportunity to help a loved one or a stranger.
  • Fall into the water: Dreaming that you are falling into water means that you should pay attention to your emotional well-being, as you might be learning things about yourself that you never noticed before.
  • Fall position: Dream interpretations of falling backwards mean that you need support from your loved ones, falling on your hands means that someone is about to ask you for help, and if you fall on your side in your dreams, you might be hesitating between two important decisions.

Recommendations to prevent them

If you like avoid having heavy dreams and nightmares, you may:

Learning to manage stress in a healthy way

The meditation and/or psychological counseling can be effective tools for managing stress, which can contribute to reduce the occurrence of disturbing dreams.

For example, you can practice meditation techniques such as deep breathing or seek psychological counseling to learn how to manage stress effectively.

Seek support from your loved ones

If you feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to seek support from your loved ones. Share your worries and emotions with them. It can relieve emotional burden and reduce the frequency of unpleasant dreams.

For example, if you feel overwhelmed, you can Share your worries and emotions with a family member or close friendwhich can relieve emotional burden and reduce the frequency of unpleasant dreams.

Exercise regularly

Exercising at least three times a week not only benefits your overall health, but can also help reduce stress and improve the quality of your sleep.

For example, you can dedicate at least three times a week to do physical activities that you enjoysuch as walking, running, yoga or dancing. Regular exercise helps reduce stress and improves sleep quality.

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Breathe fresh air daily

Getting outside and breathing fresh air can have a positive effect on your mental and emotional well-being, which in turn can contribute to more pleasant dreams.

For example, you can take a walk outdoors, open the windows of your home to allow fresh air in or practice breathing exercises in a natural environment. Breathing fresh air can have a positive effect on your mental and emotional well-being.

Maintain adequate hydration

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help maintain proper balance in your body, including your nervous system, which can influence the quality of your sleep.

For example, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Carrying a water bottle with you and setting reminders to take regular sips can help you maintain proper balance in your body, including your nervous system, which can influence the quality of your sleep.

Limit or avoid caffeine, alcohol and processed foods

These substances can affect your sleep cycle and increase the likelihood of having disturbing dreams. Try to reduce their consumption before bedtime.

For example, you can reduce the amount of coffee that you consume, avoid alcohol consumption before going to bed and opt for fresh and healthy foods instead of processed foods. These substances can negatively affect your sleep cycle and increase the likelihood of having disturbing dreams.

Improve your sleep hygiene and establish a nightly routine

Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or reading a book, and maintaining a sleep-friendly environment can help promote more restful sleep.

For example, create a relaxing bedtime routine that includes activities like take a hot bath, read a book or practice meditation. Also, make sure you have an environment conducive to rest, with a dark, quiet room at an appropriate temperature.

Keep a dream journal

Maintain a record of your dreams can help you better understand their meaning and find recurring patterns. This will allow you to explore your dreams from a more conscious perspective.

For example, you can keep a notebook next to your bed and write down the details of your dreams when you wake up. This will help you better understand its meaning and find recurring patternswhich will allow you to explore your dreams from a more conscious perspective.

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