Caring for the patient at home: advantages and disadvantages – Online Psychologists

When I first started visiting patients on my own, one question I was asked by friends and acquaintances was: do you see them at home?

At first I was surprised, it had never even occurred to me to do it at home, to begin with, because of a space problem. But little by little I learned about psychologists who provide care in their own homes, and others who provide care in the patient's home.

In the end, what really matters in providing psychological care to patients is that a good bond is created between them and the professional in order to guarantee not only the best care but also the help they need.

Advantages of having the consultation at home

  1. ComfortPsychologists who provide care in their own homes do not have to travel, they know the environment in which they operate well and they themselves set the rules, without being subject to external regulations.
  2. Economic savingsIt is undeniable that if you have your practice in your own home you save money. Not only on the rent of the practice, but also on travel. In addition, if you are in your own home, the possibility of going down to the bar for breakfast is less, which also results in savings.
  3. FreedomThere are no schedules at the psychologist's home, except those he or she sets. They do not need to notify anyone if the patient cancels the session at the last minute, they do not have to give explanations.

Advantages of making home visits

  1. You see the patient in his usual environmentThis can be very positive in determining certain patterns of behavior or detecting certain details that will facilitate a faster diagnosis.
  2. You can meet his family and/or friendsAlthough the sessions are individual, people usually have photographs and memories that decorate their home and that can help us understand and get to know the patient and their environment better.
  3. The patient is more relaxed. You are on your own territory, the level of stress that a first visit to an unknown place generates is eliminated. If you are more relaxed, the sessions will be more fluid.

Advantages of having a private office

  1. You more easily separate your professional task from your personal life. Work is in one place and your personal life is in another, it's easier to disconnect that way.
  2. You can be in contact with other psychologistsIf you work in a psychology centre or in a space that rents offices for health professionals, the possibility of meeting other psychologists is high. In this way, synergies can be established that can be beneficial for everyone.
  3. You maintain your privacyPatients don't know where you live, which makes it much more difficult to have unexpected visits outside of office hours.

Disadvantages of having the consultation at home

  1. Difficulty disconnectingWhen work and personal life merge, it is very difficult to disconnect. This happens not only to psychologists who have their practice at home but to all professionals who work from home.
  2. You need a space just for that. In the case of patient care, you need a space specially designed for this. If you live alone or know that no one will be coming into your home during those hours, the living room can be a good alternative, but that forces you to keep everything tidy and clean.
  3. Feeling of loss of privacyEven if you have an office specially designed for patient care, if other people live in the house, they may not feel very comfortable with the fact that any patient can use their bathroom or look at the paintings or photographs that decorate the entrance, for example.

Disadvantages of making home visits

  1. The patient settles downThe fact that the patient travels and faces complicated situations such as a first visit to an unfamiliar office can be a motivation for change.
  2. DisplacementsOne of the major inconveniences of home care is that the travel time between one patient and the next is usually considerable and often involves significant financial expenditure.
  3. Lack of controlThe patient plays in his/her own field, the psychologist cannot control the environment, there may be interruptions from people who live with the patient.

Disadvantages of having a private office

  1. Increase in economic cost. Not only for office rentals but also for travel, meals outside the home (if you spend long hours away), etc.
  2. Loss of freedomIf you are renting an office by the hour or working in a psychological center, you will have to adapt to their schedules, holidays and rules.
  3. Office sharing. Unless you rent a private office for yourself, you will most likely have to share the office with other professionals. This will prevent you from decorating it to your liking, having your materials within reach…

Do you see any other advantages or disadvantages?

There are certainly more advantages and disadvantages to all the options. I encourage you to send us yours to complete the article..

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