How to overcome sadness? – Online Psychologists

Nobody wants to be sad. It is true that there are people whose main pleasure is to play the victim in front of their environment, but there is a difference between “making themselves feel sorry” and “feeling sorry”. Even this kind of people look for a thousand ways to overcome sadness.

Needless to say, sadness is a natural emotion. Therefore sadness is part of life. That is, it is not eliminated, it is overcome.

Managing it correctly is necessary to avoid serious psychological problems, such as depression. We will help you do this with these tips.

Tips to overcome sadness

Crying is not negative

That is not seen with good eyes socially It doesn't mean that being sad is a bad thingWe must banish the idea that our tears are a sign of weakness in the eyes of others.

Crying is a way to let off steam. Some studies claim that crying helps release endorphinswhich are pleasure hormones, and which serve as a means of relaxation.

Also, externalize sadness speeds up the recovery process from episodes of stress and traumatic experiences of the past.

Accept the sadness

Hide the sadness and keep it inside, It is not healthy. What's more, it can produce a rebound effect and cause the pain to increase. If sadness takes hold, it can cause serious problems.

Currently, the acceptance and commitment therapies are valued by both experts and patients. These types of therapy serve to accept the negative and then let it go.

Find your way in life

The lack of answers and uncertainty about what the future may hold creates a huge existential void.

It is necessary the introspection and find the necessary motivations to be happy and progress in the search for our best version.

Set yourself challenges and goals

This point is linked to the previous one. After the introspection exercise carried out we can move on to set goals. These objectives must be realistic and appropriate to your capabilities, since fanciful approaches will only create fear of failure and insecurities.

The objectives, apart from being framed in a realistic context, must always be at a short and long term. Goals in the near future will help us stay active in taking steps forward in search of long-term success.

Sport is an outlet

Having an active life, in sports terms, can help you win the game against sadness. Sport generates hormones involved in emotional well-beingsuch as serotonin, a substance associated with pleasure and positive moods.

In addition, the fellowship and the camaraderie Team sports can boost your self-esteem by making you feel connected to a group of people who value you and support you in any mistakes you may make.

If none of this helps to reduce the effects of sadness, it may be time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

Try a free session

Learn to manage sadness and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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Explode your hobbies

Take refuge in those Activities that bring you peace and well-beingIf we are in the midst of a stressful or sad situation, practicing our hobbies is a great escape route to disconnect and connect with our inner self.

Go out on the street

Being locked up at home does not solve anything. Immobility is one of the worst enemies when it comes to facing sadness. Numerous scientific studies assure that Going outside improves our mental health.

The vitamin Dcoming from sunlight, activates the enzyme hydroxylase 2 which is responsible for converting tryptophan into serotonin in our brain.


The human being It is social from its origins. We have always been surrounded by other humans. There is no other way to survive than to help each other.

But this help should not be understood from a material point of view. Socializing and having friends provide benefits for having adequate mental health.

Practice mindfulness

This Eastern technique has been applied in recent years in the field of psychology due to the number of proven benefits that it has for mental health.

This technique refers to being in the present, living in it. He mindfulness is to recognize what happens while it happensaccepting it while a certain situation is occurring.

With this technique we improve the acceptance of what we are and what we liveadopting a mindset that does not judge our actions at all.

Go to the psychologist

If none of the formulas proposed help us and the sadness continues over time, It's time to seek outside help And if it is from a professional psychologist, even better.

Overcoming sadness can be a heavy burden on our mind. If we reach a point in our lives where the color of sadness decorates our entire vision of the world, it is time to entrust your mental health to professionals.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.