Sharing work with your partner: Is it a good idea? – Online Psychologists

Sharing a workplace with your partner It may seem like a bad idea. You may find it overwhelming the idea of ​​spending so much time with your partner, the possibility of bringing work home or the prospect of sharing the circle of friends at work. The problem is that many times, although it may seem cliché, reason and heart take separate paths and you can find yourself immersed in a romantic relationship with a coworker.

Although there are still some Taboos regarding couples who share a workplacethe best way to cut off rumors and possible misunderstandings is to act completely normally. You have to stay away from extremes: neither hide it as if it were a crime, nor turn the professional environment into your love nest. Within the walls of your workplace you are just colleagues and The relationship you have in your personal life should not affect any aspect of your work life.

Remember that you are adults in a consensual relationship and Don't be intimidated by prejudicesIf necessary, you can contact the Human Resources department so they can consider whether a change of position is appropriate to avoid preferential treatment in the performance of professional duties.

The advantages and disadvantages of working with your partner

Maybe you're just starting a relationship with a coworker and you're afraid of losing some of your privacy and even your individuality. Perhaps, on the other hand, you're excited by the prospect of spending hours and hours at his or her side and can barely contain your excitement.

In any case, you must remember that Working side by side with your partner has both advantages and disadvantages.. In order not to be discouraged by possible problems, it is essential to maintain a realistic perspective and remember that no relationship, whatever its type, is perfect.

The advantages of being a couple and coworkers:

  • You will spend a lot of time together

You may have been in a relationship where you barely saw your partner. Sometimes, differences in study and work schedules, time lost in commuting and distance can be difficult obstacles for a couple to overcome.

If you've experienced something similar, perhaps spending so much time with your partner is a great advantage for you. Sharing a workplace with your partner can be a great opportunity to maintain a closer contactalways maintaining the naturalness and the professionalism required by the work environment.

Maybe I can even take you to share more free time togethersince you can share the trips and there is even the possibility that you have the same group of friends in the company.

  • It can be a motivation when working

During the early stages of a relationship, the happiness brought on by being close to your partner can lead you to face the challenges of work with greater determination.

Not only that, but in the event of any inconvenience, the trust and knowledge you have of each other can help you. solve problems together and find calm.

  • You will be able to get to know each other better and learn how each other works.

All couples know each other well enough, but it is normal for two people who do not work together not to know each other's way of working. If your partner is also your coworker, you will be able to learn about those aspects that are usually hidden from the other person's view: how you face challenges, how you organize yourself, and even how you communicate in your work environment.

This will help you not only to understand each other betterbut you will also be able to achieve a greater coordination at home and perhaps you will even come to face the problems of the couple with a colder attitude.

  • You will share a multitude of experiences

In the workplace, you will be able to sharing each other's victories, those of the team and the companywhich will surely give you great satisfaction. But not only that, sharing the same schedule can help you share more free time as well, create closer ties and, ultimately, to enjoy each other's side more.

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The disadvantages of being a couple and coworkers:

  • Private life and work life can blend together

Taking work home can create huge amounts of stress, as it prevents you from disconnect from your obligationsIf you live with your partner, that is, with a coworker, the boundaries between work and personal life can become blurred and you may find it difficult to leave your more professional side at home.

It can be just as problematic to bring problems from your private life into the professional arena. Having your partner in the workplace can prevent you from leave sentimental problems aside when facing your tasks, making your colleagues uncomfortable and even putting your productivity at risk. Keep in mind that It is important to avoid arguments in the workplace so as not to compromise team results by creating unnecessary tensions.

If you and your partner are experiencing problems related to your work situation and you do not know how to overcome them, our couples therapy may be the key to ending them.

  • It may affect your performance

Not only can relationship problems be a hindrance to achieving good results at work, but also the most intense phases of falling in love can keep you from professional success. Whatever the case, the presence of your partner in the workplace It can distract you and even put your job at risk.

  • It can affect the rest of the coworkers

Sometimes, sharing a workplace with a partner can put colleagues in awkward situations, especially if they have to witnessing emotional fights during working hours.

But excessive closeness can also exceed the limits of what is appropriate in the work environment.

Remember that During the working day your partner is another companion and try not to address him differently than the rest, whether for good or bad. Also, remember that having some space is good in any relationship and Try not to neglect personal relationships with the rest of your colleaguesOf course, it's not a bad thing to have your partner at work, but having close people beyond your partner is a very healthy thing for any relationship.

  • Sharing too much time together can be overwhelming

Whether you are a more extroverted or more introverted person, at some point you will need moments of solitude where you can be with yourself. Disconnecting from the world for a while and dedicating yourself to resting or doing what you like most can revive your internal dialogue and put you in tune with your own emotions.

However, when you share your obligations and also your free time with your partner it seems more difficult to disconnect, which It can become overwhelming, wear down the relationship and even break it.

Always remember that you are individuals and, as such, you have to Finding time to be apartto do activities with other people and to spend time alone. Perhaps finding separate spaces in your own home can help you disconnect during your free time.

How to separate professional life from personal life

If what you want is to learn how to put aside your private life As you move about in the professional field, the first thing you must internalize is that your workplace is a serious environment where there is no room for endless displays of affection. The best thing will be to maintain a professional relationshiplike the one you would have with any partner, with your significant other.

When it comes to work decisions, try to maintain objectivity and remember that you work for the good of the company: for example, if a project of your partner is put to a vote, try to keep a professional mindset and don't let your love for her influence your decision.

For this, it is important Surround yourself with trustworthy people that can help you maintain a certain distance in the workplace, so that you can maintain a certain independence. It is logical that when faced with any inconvenience your first impulse is to lean on your partner, but perhaps you should consider building a circle of support in the company, since you always have a certain amount of time to do so. It will be important for you to be able to act separately.

However, you should not only protect your professional life from your private life, but also It is important that you set boundaries so that work does not affect your relationship.

For example, you can try to set small prohibitions that allow you to disconnect from work: If you discuss your workday on the way home, refrain from discussing work problems once you cross the threshold of your home.

Take advantage of your free time to leave something to do. space between you: Rest, read, play sports or practice that hobby you usually don't have time for. Allow yourself to breathe and let the relationship breathe too.

If instead of working for someone else you work in your own business, it is always advisable to have the functions of each one clearly defined, so that avoid interfering in each other's work and thus not transfer work conflicts to your private life.

Of course, Good communication is key to keeping any relationship afloat: If either of you is uncomfortable with situations related to your work life, it will always be useful to talk about it to try to reach consensual solutions.

What to do in case of an argument or breakup

Don't despair, It is normal that sometimes there are discussions When two people are in a relationship, especially if, in addition to sharing their free time, they also share working hours.

The first step to maintaining a healthy relationship will always be the communicationIf you start to notice that arguments are affecting your work pace, your productivity and even your colleagues, don't be afraid to Talk to your partner and set limits:There are things that should not cross the boundaries of the home, at work you are just colleagues.

It is also important that you try protect your private lifeIt's only natural that you'd need to vent your anger to a friend when you have an argument, but doing so in the workplace, or with a coworker, can cause rumours to spread about your relationship. In this case, it might be best to rely on a confidant who isn't connected to the workplace.

Sometimes arguments can escalate into a breakup. It may seem tragic and it may certainly feel awkward at first, but It is possible to overcome a breakup