The complete bibliography of Rafael Santandreu, 5 books you can't miss – Online Psychologists

Rafael Santandreu (Barcelona, ​​1969) is a successful psychologist and writer. For a time he was a teacher at the Ramon Llull University, although he currently plays an important role as a populariser. He is one of the most popular authors in the field of psychology in Spain and a very popular media figure at the same time.

After many years as a therapist, Santandreu decided to publish his first book, “The Art of Not Making Life Miserable” in 2011, which became a bestseller. After the success of his first book, the psychologist has published four more works; “The Glasses of Happiness”, “Being Happy in Alaska”, “Nothing is So Terrible” and “Without Fear”, all of them based on cognitive psychology.

The 5 books by Rafael Santandreu

«The art of not making life miserable» (2011)

This is a book that went on sale in 2011 and became a bestseller and a reference in the world of psychology. “The art of not making life miserable” focuses on personal development and how to strengthen ourselves on an emotional level.

In this book, Santandreu analyzes several concepts, one of them being «terribilitis,» which is based on the fact that we think things are much more terrible than they really are, because we create a subjective reality based on irrational beliefs and this in turn causes us suffering and pain.

Another of the concepts that Santandreu focuses on in this book is “needitis” and that is that we need more and more to be happy.

According to the author himself, «it is we ourselves who make our lives miserable with our internal dialogue.»

Through this book we can learn to be stronger on an emotional level, to know the importance of putting things into perspective and to be aware that change is possible.

«The glasses of happiness» (2014)

His second published book, “The Glasses of Happiness,” is a work in which the psychologist provides the necessary tools to control your internal dialogue and strengthen yourself on an emotional level.

Through cognitive psychology, Rafael Santandreu explores how to find moments of happiness in our daily lives and appreciate what we have without the constant need to want what we do not have.

It is a book that highlights the power of our own thoughts and how we must learn to put things into perspective, since negative emotions are natural, it is essential to know how to overcome obstacles and avoid emotional stagnation when faced with any type of difficulty.

«Being happy in Alaska» (2016)

Through his third book, Rafael Santandreu attempts to «take a further step in refining the methodology of cognitive psychology» and does so through three steps: turning inward, learning to walk lightly and appreciating what surrounds us.

«Being Happy in Alaska» is a book that explores the idea that people can be happy anywhere and in any situation. Once again, Santandreu emphasizes that everything is in our mind, in our head and above all in the internal dialogue that we maintain daily with ourselves.

So if you are looking for a book that will help you be more positive about your life and find happiness in your everyday life, “Being Happy in Alaska” is for you.

«Nothing is so terrible» (2018)

This is a book published in 2018 in which Rafael Santandreu attempts to create a self-therapy manual. “Nothing is so terrible” is full of useful tools to enjoy life more and leave worries behind, a book to analyze in depth and on which to rely to carry out a personal transformation.

Finding happiness, growing on a personal level or leaving fears behind are some of the goals we all aspire to, but how do we achieve them? With its 323 pages, this book is a useful tool to guide us.

«Fearless» (2021)

«Without fear» is the latest book published by Rafael Santandreu, it is a self-therapy manual that helps you overcome your fears, hypochondria, or panic attacks.

Do you have irrational fears and don't know how to overcome them? Does anxiety prevent you from living a normal life? Do you want to control your obsessions? If you said yes to any of the above questions, then this is the book for you.

Through four simple steps, Santandreu gives us the keys to leaving behind fears and meaningless obsessions and, above all, teaches us tools to become a better version of ourselves, happier, more liberated and independent.

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