How to change your attitude to be more tolerant – Online Psychologists

We have assimilated that There are people who do not think like us and that opinions are free. Even so, on many occasions, we do not know how to put it into practice. It has always been said that tolerance is easy to applaud, difficult to practice, and very difficult to explain.

To work on tolerance it is important to be more tolerant and respectful the opinions of others, no matter how different they may seem. This does not mean that we should set aside our own points of view, but rather that we should empathize more with others in order to understand their thoughts. Many of our opinions are based on personal situations or experiences. Therefore, it is important to know that Opinions, although free, must also be respected.

What is tolerance?

It is defined tolerance such as respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to one's own. It is not about accepting everything that others tell us, but rather respecting it while defending our position.

Tips to be more tolerants

  • It is not necessary to impose our criteria, being tolerant also consists of hear to the rest.
  • Before contradicting an opinion, one must think carefully about the answer. Many times, when we are nervous or angry, we cannot control our words and they are arguments that hurt and do not solve anything.
  • Open your mind and understand that even if we think differently, we can respect others and listen to their decisions.
  • Empathize. When someone is speaking, it is necessary to put yourself in their shoes to understand their circumstances and thus be more tolerant.
  • No one has the ability to know an absolute truth, so no one is smarter than others simply because they think one way or another. When it comes to opinions, no one has the right answer.
  • Despite provocations, it is better to respond with silence, or at least ask for respect in a relaxed manner so as not to cause tense situations.
  • Do not enter into a dispute because two opinions contradict each other. It is better to be compassionate so as not to make the situation worse and to offer different alternatives so that the discussion does not become increasingly complicated.
  • The importance of respect for both others and ourselves. When two opinions are opposed, we must remain calm and demand respect, and even respect ourselves by refusing to talk about certain topics that we do not like.

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How to increase tolerance in our environment

In order to forget about prejudices and highlight the role of being tolerant in society, there are a series of activities that benefit this objective:

  • Volunteering in social associations and organizations.
  • Connect with the people who live around.
  • Attend events or visits of different cultures, races or ethnicities.
  • Having friends with different styles and backgrounds.
  • Speak up and interrupt if something doesn't seem right to you.
  • Visit a nursing home to learn about their stories and participate in their activities.
  • Reflect on all the stereotypes that may appear in your daily life and stop to think to see if you also use them without realizing it.
  • Travel.

Be that as it may, tolerance is a virtue that each of us must develop in order to be able to live together openly and discuss opinions without causing conflict over one opinion or another.

Tolerance is easy to applaud, difficult to practice and very difficult to explain.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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