Abulia: What is it and how to overcome it? – Online Psychologists

Sometimes we feel reluctance either lack of motivation. We feel dull, with no desire to do anything. This is defined as abulia.

When a person suffers from this psychological disorder, his or her feelings and thoughts are not positive. Days pass by as if nothing happened and he or she does not show any kind of emotion towards anything. Furthermore, those around him or her seem unable to do anything to remedy the situation.

On the surface, apathy may seem harmless. We believe that someone who is unmotivated will not be permanently unmotivated. In fact, In many cases it is confused with laziness or with procrastinationHowever, if abulia persists, it becomes very harmful to the health of the person suffering from it.

What is abulia?

Abulia is a psychological phenomenon where the ability to be motivated almost completely disappears. In fact, it reaches such a point that people stop being interested even in their daily routines.

In short, abulia is a extreme trend to lack of initiative or apathy.

Therefore, when abulia appears, subjects tend to lead lifestyles related to sedentary lifestyle, the Fhygiene discharge and contact with society. That is, they are people who stop worrying about their own care or appearance. However, abulia manifests itself in each subject in a different way.

Each person suffers from some different consequences depending on their own characteristics. An example of this is when a person has a precarious job. They may appear motivated and dressed up in public to present a false version of themselves and be completely unmotivated for the rest of the day.

We must bear in mind that, like any type of psychological alteration of clinical relevance, abulia has different degrees of intensity. In the most serious cases, the person may even be unable to carry out a work day or activities consistently.

In turn, abulia is a symptom that is related to other mood disorders. Therefore, it can appear in other psychological conditions such as depression.

Is it a syndrome or a symptom?

One of the main problems that arise when analyzing this condition is knowing its nature. Sometimes abulia presents itself as a symptom and other times as a syndrome.

In the first case, it is the manifestation of a disorder such as depression. In others, abulia may be a disorder itselfHowever, not knowing exactly where the problem comes from does not usually change things when it comes to addressing the problem in patients.

If you think you may have abulia, it may be time to seek help from an online psychologist.

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What are the symptoms of abulia?

The symptoms of abulia are related to the lack of motivationAmong them we can find passivity, loss of the feeling of enjoyment, tiredness, procrastination, lack of energy, blockage or indecision, insomnia or drowsiness and lack of pleasure or commitment, among others.

People who suffer from these signs tend to leave their responsibilities unfulfilled. The tasks are delayedsince they are unable to complete them on time, and this situation generates discomfort and frustrationIn fact, the act of avoiding or delaying tasks feeds back into apathy. It becomes a constant loop.

At the time of relate to othersDifficulties also appear. They show apathy in conversations. They have neither enthusiasm nor interest in anything that is said to them nor in what they contribute to the conversation. The negative thoughts that invade them cause the subject to prefer not to speak or to say the minimum due to the general lack of motivation that these thoughts generate.

The set of symptoms of abulia causes the person to experience a high level of anxiety. discomfort. This makes the person incapable of giving any kind of emotional response.

What are the causes of abulia?

As mentioned above, the nature of abulia is rather confusing. Therefore, the causes of its appearance cover a fairly broad framework:

  • Biological cause. These causes are related to the possibility of probable occurrences neurological disorders. These are alterations at the frontal and basal ganglia level. These are responsible for changes in motivation.
  • Environmental cause. They are determined by life experiences. The way in which we understand and face different situations in life will depend on these and, therefore, the motivation we need to continue forward. If we lack this motivation, apathy will end up developing in us.

In addition to these causes we can find others that are considered as dangerous factors that accelerate the spread of abulito.

The most notable are post-traumatic states, hypoxia, brain tumors, drug abuse or depression. Therefore, abulia can present as a mood disorder or as a sign of a major depressive disorderdepression.

How does abulia affect daily life?

This problem can manifest itself in multiple situations of daily life. However, there are some that are common in patients suffering from this condition:

  • Lack of interest in improving one's employment status.
  • Lack of self-careThey have hygiene problems, they show no interest in their physical appearance or the clothes they wear. They are indifferent.
  • Lack of attention towards their life projects. They put aside their hobbies or daily activities because they no longer interest them.
  • Lack of communication. When they meet people, they avoid starting conversations. If they do participate, their intervention will be brief and apathetic.
  • Sedentary lifestyleThey tend to move very little. If they do, they seem tired and act very slowly.
  • Lack of appetite. The fact that nothing motivates them leads them to not even want to get up to eat.
  • They don't help others. Apathy also creates a kind of lack of empathy that makes them not care about the affairs of others. Everything is indifferent.

Is there a treatment?

The first step in establishing a treatment is to make a Diagnosis of abulia. However, this does not seem to be exemplified. Therefore, it is advisable for the mental health professional to build a clinical picture. In it you must represent in detail the feelings and behaviors that the patient shows. Normally this chart is made with the tEstimates from family members and beings close to the subject.

There are certain occasions when a diagnostic image is performed using Brain CT or MRI. This has the ability to draw brain traumas such as strokes. Pathology from which abulia develops.

Therefore, the most recommended treatment for abulia will vary. It will do so based on the clinical picture of the diagnosis. That is, the condition hidden or concealed in the discomfort. When abulia is related to a psychological discomfort It is necessary the psychological treatment.

In the case of psychological treatment, the work focuses on generating the motion to reactivate the patient's motivation. That is, create a series of activities that do not generate much wear and tear on the person and at the same time are Pleasant. This will help improve their behaviour. Therefore, the psychologist will discuss what the person wants to do in order to see what can be improved in their daily life.

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