How to feel proud of yourself: 3 tips to work on your self-love – Online Psychologists

Feeling proud of yourself is not linked to egocentrism or selfishness. It is about self-loveIn fact, pride influences emotional health and mental health.

Although it would be normal for us all to feel satisfied with who we are, the reality is very different. Certain circumstances and expectations prevent us from valuing and accepting ourselves.

What is self-love?

Basically, the Self-love is when you appreciate and value yourself. That means it's something you can feel. It's also the actions you take because you respect and prioritize yourself, like speaking kindly to yourself and listening to what your body and mind need, says the clinical psychologist.

And, even though you might be rolling your eyes right now, it may be time to believe it. Loving and valuing yourself creates a “healthy domino effect of showing up for yourself.” It boosts your confidence and pushes you to stand up more for how you want to be treated. (Next, it’s getting some space from that cousin after she brought up your recent divorce multiple times in that goodbye.)

The worst loneliness is not feeling comfortable with yourself.

Mark Twain

Just to be clear, it's not that you're happy to wake up after the first alarm in the morning and suddenly «go through the world always happy» or see yourself in a positive light (forever).

Why is self-love so important?

Being proud of yourself does not mean being a narcissistic person or believing yourself to be perfect or superior to others. Being comfortable with who you are and how you are brings many benefits:

  • IndependenceYou don't need the approval of others to make decisions or carry out certain actions. You are the one who decides your path and you don't bother to please others.
  • You make yourself respected. You don't let yourself be disrespected. Pride is linked to self-esteem. If you love yourself, you know your worth, what your value is.
  • These two previous benefits mean that you do not have to fear of rejection or abandonment.
  • State of individual plenitudeYour happiness does not depend on the praise and love of others. Personal satisfaction is what makes you feel good about yourself.

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How to be proud of yourself?

Nobody says it's easy, but you can work on it. pride with the following steps:

  • Recognize your virtuesWe all have qualities, talents and achievements. You do too, so don't be afraid to acknowledge it.
  • Accept your flaws and mistakesThe only way to feel proud of yourself is to really know yourself, and this means knowing what your flaws are and accepting your mistakes. This is the key to starting to work on self-esteem. It would be a mistake to fall back on the “I am like this” excuse for your attitudes.
  • Think about yourself. Prioritize your opinions, your goals and your needs.

It's not about reaching the perfection to feel proud of yourself. You just have to accept yourself as you are, knowing your virtues, but also your defects. You can change the negative aspects and that does not mean stopping thinking about yourself. Set your goals and make the decisions that benefit you.

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