Tips to recognize (and avoid) a megalomaniac – Online Psychologists

The history of mankind is full of megalomaniac characters who have terrorized the entire world. These people are characterized by having a extremely arrogant personality. A megalomaniac will usually believe himself to be special, superior to others and capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to. And, if that weren't enough, he won't bother to hide it.

In psychology it is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder what we commonly know as megalomania. Those who suffer from it They tend to be haughty and lacking in empathy and it is not difficult to recognize them. A megalomaniac tends to enjoy the attention of others so much that he will rarely look away from the spotlight.

However, not all narcissists go to the extreme of becoming megalomaniacs. It is not enough to have a high perception of oneself to be considered as such; megalomania is a disorder that can (and should) be diagnosed by a psychologist. The origin of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is both biological and social:

  • The brain of a megalomaniac has less grey matter than that of a person with a lower self-concept. The grey matter is full of neurons that are responsible for, among other things, managing emotions, self-control and decision-making.
  • On the other hand, megalomaniacs are usually the product of a overly critical environmentParents of megalomaniacs are people who project very high expectations on their children and become aggressive when they do not meet them; to protect their self-esteem, megalomaniacs build a shell of superiority.

A megalomaniac, in his personal relationships, will be manipulative and lacking empathyTheir narcissism and superiority complex can lead them to be manipulative or unfaithful. In this article we will help you identify the main traits of megalomaniacs, so you can distance yourself from them.

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How to recognize a megalomaniac?

A megalomaniac can have a detrimental influence on your life, your self-esteem and your way of being. Due to their lack of empathy and their perception of superiority, megalomaniacs usually have no qualms about make others feel inferior.

There are certain personality traits that can distinguish a megalomaniac from a mere narcissist, or from someone who simply pretends to be confident to hide his low self-esteem. Although no two people are the same, it is possible to list a series of characteristics of megalomaniacs:

  • They idealize themselves

As we have already explained, megalomaniacs usually have a very high opinion of themselves. The high expectations placed on them since childhood make them believe capable of everythinginvincible and unbeatable.

When talking to a megalomaniac you will realize that He always believes he is right. For this reason, it is easy for him to disown anyone who does not share his beliefs and opinions.

A common symptom of megalomania is delusions of grandeurMegalomaniacs not only believe themselves capable of anything, but they also believe that they are the only ones with enough power to achieve it: the chosen ones.

Characters like Hitler or Napoleon They had the traits of a megalomaniac personality: once they had seized power, they convinced themselves that they were the only ones capable of «saving» their homeland. Their example shows how far the ambition and lack of empathy of a megalomaniac can go, as they conquered other lands and committed terrible crimes to achieve their goals.

This perception that they are unique and inimitable leads them to to despise others. Anyone who does not think like them, who are always right, will seem worthy of ridicule. Sometimes even the fact that others are not like them will make them think that they are inferior, because they will not believe that they are capable of achieving the same goals as them.

  • They are perfectionists, but they also believe themselves to be perfect.

It is common to hear testimonies of children who grew up under pressure from the high expectations of their parents and ended up developing a perfectionism extremely toxic. This is a pattern that is repeated in megalomaniacs, who accept nothing from themselves that is not grandiose.

However, megalomaniac personalities often find themselves in a contradiction. Despite always expecting the best from themselves, They are not able to recognize their mistakes. In this way, they never learn from what they have done wrong and therefore move themselves away from perfection.

  • They have abusive behaviors

Megalomaniacs are people who believe they are destined to achieve great things. They dream of getting power and even become obsessed with it.

From the combination of delusions of grandeur and lack of empathy, people emerge capable of doing anything as long as they get what they want. Furthermore, since they believe that others are inferior to them, they often think that they do not deserve the same respect that they have for themselves.

That is why it is not strange that megalomaniacs are people manipulative and prone to angerMany megalomaniacs see anger as a method to intimidate others and gain their respect.

In the heads of megalomaniacs there are hundreds of reasons that justify a lie.

First of all, they need to feel that the image they have of themselves corresponds to the one perceived by others. That is why they have no problems in exaggerate their achievements and modify their opinions in order to continue to maintain an impeccable image abroad.

Secondly, they are people who They would do anything to be the best. And for that reason, they sometimes find lying to be their best ally.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Our psychologists are excellent professionals capable of helping you cut the ties that bind you to a megalomaniac.