Rumination syndrome: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Food is a very important factor for our physical and mental health, so we must always take care of it. However, there are eating disorders that seriously affect people's health. One of the least known is rumination syndromewhich, like the rest of them, can cause serious problems to those who suffer from it.

What is rumination syndrome?

Rumination syndrome is a eating disorder in which the person suffering from it regurgitates food once it has been swallowed. Furthermore, that person is perfectly capable of swallowing food again after spitting it out.

For a person to be diagnosed with rumination syndrome, they must periodically perform this action for at least a month. And this action can be the beginning of another Eating Disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

This type of eating problems They usually occur mostly in adolescentsan age in which they are going through a process of change and emotional disorientation, they feel more insecure, they are more affected by other people's comments, etc. However, rumination syndrome, as well as other eating disorders, can be diagnosed in people of any age.

Causes of rumination syndrome

This disorder can be caused by very important and influential factors in the person such as: society and your environmentthat is, the idea of ​​being thin as a means of social acceptance may be very prevalent around you. If those around you express their rejection of the idea of ​​a 'non-normative' body, you may come to believe that being thin is worth more than being healthy, which is very dangerous.

It can also be caused by inheritance from parents to children. That is, the genetics Eating disorders play an important role here. If parents have had this eating disorder, it is likely that their children may also develop it. Therefore, the environment should give so much importance to the acceptance of one's own body and of the person, trying to prevent certain ideas of society from affecting the health of the person (physical and psychological). A good education, communication and a healthy environment will be beneficial for the child.

Symptoms of rumination syndrome

The symptoms The symptoms of this disorder affect both the physical and mental health of the patient. Some of them are:

  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Distress.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lack of self-love.
  • Lack of cohesion in social life.

It is important to remember that for this to be diagnosed as rumination syndrome, vomiting or regurgitation must not be momentary, but rather occur continuously. an extended period of time for at least one month. In addition, a diagnosis should always be made by a professional, in order to carry out the correct treatment.

For this reason, if you identify these symptoms we recommend that you contact an online psychologist.

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What does the treatment consist of?

Depending on the person and the moment or phase they are in, there are some methods that can benefit and reduce the symptoms of this syndrome.

  • Relaxation techniques: This can help you relax after eating and avoid spitting it out. In addition, with these relaxation techniques you can also avoid the negative thoughts that food provokes in you, which are typical of an eating disorder.
  • Medication: always under the prescription of a professional psychiatrist, in very serious cases.
  • Psychological therapy:Psychological therapy can help with many factors in this disorder, so that the psychology professional can work with the patient, addressing the problem from its causes and working on it little by little in the different therapy sessions. It is important to know that each person is a world and lives a process of both development of the disorder and recovery, so the sessions will be adapted to the pace that the patient needs.

In addition, going to therapy will help the patient to know how to identify their emotions so that they can manage them. With the help of a psychologist A professional can work on analyzing how the patient has reached the point where they are so that they can be redirected. People with an eating disorder usually have a big problem with the way they see their body and food, which is usually caused by the ideas that society imposes on people regarding their physical appearance. In therapy, they can work on turning that view around, leading to a better relationship with food and with themselves.

It is important to surround yourself with people who support and benefit your mental health, who are not guided by the normative ideas that society has always established. Currently, society is increasingly aware of mental health and the normalization of all types of bodies and, although there is still a long way to go in these areas, uniting these two concepts is very important.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you. Call and make an appointment for an online therapy session, more than 1,600 people have contacted us. first briefing is free.