Liquid relationships: the fear of commitment that ruins modern couples – Online Psychologists

The concept of the liquid relationships It is relatively new in the field of sociology, and many people have probably never heard of it. However, this type of relationship is very present in modern societies, even though it is often disguised as conventional relationships.

What is a liquid relationship?

A liquid relationship is one relationshipwhether romantic, friendship or work, in which There is no solid foundation of trust and support to forge a long-term project with the other party.

According to the sociologist Zygmunt Baumana liquid relationship shows the fragility of a person to make commitments with another. Bauman describes these relationships as “fleeting, superficial and ethereal”, since it is easier to be cool with someone in many short periods of time that during long stages.

People who are immersed in fluid relationships fear that in the future, in the medium or long term, they will have to take on obligations and they are afraid of what may happen when the long-term relationship ends.

What are the characteristics of a liquid relationship?

The Main features We have already mentioned this type of relationship previously, and they could be summarized with the hackneyed concept of relationships of interest. Stay with the good things that being with a certain person brings you and get away from them when the negative part comes up.

Are very weak relations that are ruined by any small excuse or conflict that, on the other hand, in a solid relationship can be resolved because there is that factor of trust, respect and understanding between the people involved.

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What is the profile of the people who make up these relationships?

One of the signs that characterize this type of relationship is the total lack of empathy by one of the parties. The person does not want to take on the bad times that the other is going through, they just want to satisfy their need for pleasure without any delay.

The latter makes us see these people as clear examples of hedonismHedonistic philosophy, in classical Greece, was based on the belief that human beings should do everything possible to reach pleasure and eliminate pain from their lives. Hedonistic ethics justifies any action that involves a person satisfying their pleasures.

When you look at it that way, it's perfect. Everyone would be happy if we guided our actions only to please ourselves, but that's where love comes in. And hedonism and a relationship They are not usually compatible concepts.

How does it affect relationships?

Raise your hand if you have heard any of the phrases that appear in this short list:

  • “I like you, but I don’t want anything serious”
  • “I’m getting hooked so let’s just leave it”
  • “I don’t think it’s necessary for us to define what is ours”
  • “It’s not the same anymore”
  • “I am like this”

If you are with your hand up, know that you have been part of a liquid relationship. Liquid relationships, in terms of love, They are usually ephemeral since the wear produced by the disinterest or apathy makes the situation not come to a good end.

The consequences that can come from being in a liquid relationship are the following: insecurities and continuous questions that the affected person asks himself/herself because of the breakup, he doesn't understand what he's doing wrong to not show the same interest and effort in the relationship.

The sum of ephemeral and love results in the term of “fuck buddy”a concept used for two people who have a friendship, but who also have sexual relations. “Fuck buddies” could be conceived as the idealization of liquid, loving relationships: They keep the good things from loving relationships (sex), and discard the negative (arguments).

According to A study published by the condom company Controlalmost Half of young Spaniards say they have a person with whom they have a relationship of this type (45.4% of a sample of 2,000 men and women). A figure that shows that fluid relationships tend to occur among young people more than in the adult or senior population.

How can a psychologist help?

Having the help of an online psychologist can be useful to get out of a liquid relationship. A professional without a doubt will bring a different point of viewwhich cannot be perceived from within the relationship, and will give you a series of guidelines to deal with the commitment.

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