Discover the 5 types of language with their subtypes – Online Psychologists

If there is one thing that characterizes human evolution, it is the development of language. language It has always been a fundamental instrument for convey ideas, knowledges, feelings and needsWithout this mechanism, human beings would be very different from what we are today, since it is our ability to communicate in an articulate manner that differentiates us from other animals.

What is language?

Language is a tool that allows us to communicate. We can define it as a social mechanism which gives us the opportunity to interact with the world around us.

This mechanism is based on a consensus by which all people share a same system of symbols and gestures, so that they can be easily understood. Thanks to this, people can communicate.

Communication is a process in which ideas and thoughts are exchanged. The elements involved in communication are the sender, the receiver and the message. That is, the person who transmits the information, the person who receives it, and the set of symbols and words that make up the message. Communication and language need each other. Without language there is no communication and vice versa.

Because of this, humans have a wide range of opportunities when it comes to using language. There are various ways to do it. In fact, there are times when we are not aware that we are using language and the reality is that we are not communicating most of the time.

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What types exist?

There are five types of language, which are further divided into different subgroups:

  • Natural language. The one we use on a daily basis to communicate with other people: it is about language colloquial.
  • Artificial language. Unlike the previous case, this one is specific within a given context. Because of this, it presents a series of grammar rules and morphological. Within this type of language there are several subtypes:
    • Literary: is the specific language of writers. It is governed by rules that differ from natural language.
    • Scientist: is the specific language within the field of science. The same thing happens with literary language, it has rules that are different from the rest of previous languages. This includes signs.
    • Formal: This is governed by a series of specific rules different from the previous ones. This language is usually used between people who do not trust each other. In these cases, there are a series of rules that structure the language so that it is used in a specific way.
  • Verbal language. The word is an essential element within this type of language. By joining words together we can form the sentences that we are going to use to communicate. Within this type we can distinguish two subtypes:
    • Oral. It is our everyday language and the one we are most familiar with. It is the most commonly used by people who can speak. It consists of communicating messages through sounds, which are organized by a series of grammatical rules. This is how we learn to communicate with others and to be able to express orally what we need.
    • Written. It is another of the most used languages. We learn it after oral. It consists of the graphic expression of wordsIt is another way that helps us express ourselves and communicate if we cannot do so orally. Thanks to written language, knowledge and stories are recorded and can be transmitted over time.
    • Symbolic. This type of language is made up of a series of images. These represent what the camera or the object with which the image was taken captures. Therefore, they are universal. When we see an image, everyone knows what it means, regardless of where they come from.
  • Non-verbal language. This type of language is characterized by the use of the body to express oneself. There are no words. Within it are the following:
    • Sign languageIt is commonly used by deaf, mute or deaf-mutes. It is characterized by using the hands to communicate through a series of gestures and signs. These gestures are also based on a series of rules that give them meaning.
    • Kinesic. It refers to the language that is made through the movements of our body. That is, they are all those body movements that we perform continuously. It is a language that we do not pay attention to because we do it constantly, however, it is very important in the field of psychology and the sociologyas well as in that of the communication.
    • Braille. It is a language used primarily by blind people. It is characterized by being tactile, the people who practice it touch a surface with raised dots. These signs are not made at random, but are also established according to specific rules.
    • Sensory. It refers to everything that is expressed and captured by the senses. Within this, all types of artistic expressions come into play, among which we find art, music, dance, etc.
  • Others. There are a number of languages ​​that, although they could be included in a previous section, are best understood on their own:
    • Social. According to PiagetThis type of behavior is developed by children when they realize that they need others to fulfill and satisfy their needs. That is, it begins when they realize the world around them and how to interact with it.
    • EgocentricIt's the kind we use with ourselves. The internal dialogue we have that we don't communicate with anyone else.
    • Vernacular. This refers to the languages ​​specific to each country. It is formed by the specific rules of each country that differentiate it from other languages.

Language and communication are two essential elements in our lives. Without them we would not be able to relate to our surroundings or to ourselves. There are thousands of ways in which we can communicate and transmit our emotions, ideas and needs.

Sometimes there are people who have problems when communicatingIf you don't know how to express yourself or you don't think you're doing it correctly, you can always ask for help. Go to a therapist or professional psychologist, who will teach you the different forms of language and how you can use them to have good communication.

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