What is (and what is not) an eating disorder – Online Psychologists

The acronym TCA refers to Eating Disorders. A psychological problem that affects, above all, young people and adolescents. According to data from the FITA Foundation, in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Eating Disorders, there are a total of 400,000 people who suffer from this disorder. Of that almost half a million, 300,000 are boys and girls of ages between 12 and 24 years.

This social group is affected by the social pressurebecause in youth the physical is one of the main concerns. Those who do not have the image that the canons of beauty may end up developing a serious mental problem.

What is a Eating Disorder?

The TCA describes a unhealthy relationship with food, whether due to excess or lack of appetite. anorexiathe bulimia wave non-bleeding supercharging are some of the best-known Eating Disorders.

Society has normalized the fact that everyone has to be on a dietputting aesthetic advantages before health. Normally, when a person manages to lose weight, they are congratulated, while when they gain weight, they are criticized and advised to take measures to correct this «imperfection.»

Of course, someone who compliments or criticizes another person's physical appearance does not analyze the mental state that person may be going through. Complimenting the thinness of a person who suffers from anorexia can make them continue down that path. Criticizing a person who makes up for emotional deficiencies by binge eating will only make them continue. taking refuge in food to escape from problems.

If you have problems with food, putting yourself in the hands of an online psychologist can be the solution.

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Types of TCA

Eating disorders are classified into the three groups we have mentioned: Anorexia, bulimia and overeating.

  • Anorexia: Fear of gaining weight is the main cause of this type of eating disorder. If they start to look better from restrict mealsthat step can be the trigger of the storm. The control over the food they eat is increasing. At the same time, the distortion of reality is increasing, and they end up looking overweight, which increases this excessive control over what they eat. Anxiety and depression will be two burdens that the person who suffers from anorexia will have to bear.
  • Bulimia: This eating disorder is characterized by the total loss of control about the food you eat. They eat an exaggerated amount and at a hellish speed. In this type of disorder, there is also a obsession with the physicalso after their meals they often end up taking drastic measures to compensate, such as inducing vomiting.
  • Overfeeding: may have similarities with bulimia, but the way of compensating for binges It is not through drastic remedies at a physical level. A person who eats compulsively consumes a large amount of calories in a short period of time. After these meals, the person begins to feel unwell and experiences episodes of shame, disgust with themselves and depression.

Misconceptions about eating disorders

  • It's a simple wake-up call. For example, a person who vomits does not do so for pleasure. Rather than a call for attention, it is a warning that the person needs help.
  • People who suffer from it are weak. The environment believes that someone who is suffering from an eating disorder is fragile and vulnerable. That any negative opinion can demoralize them and sink them even further. But anyone can suffer from an eating disorder, even the mentally strongest people.
  • It's because own decisionNo one is in a moment like this in their life by their own choice. Everything negative is caused by one or several factors that accelerate the process.
  • Recovery is constant and progressiveAs in any process, the patient may encounter obstacles that cause a relapse in the disorder, such as being fired from work or a breakup.
  • This disorder is lifelong. Everything in this life has a solution. It may also be true that this illness will accompany you for the rest of your days. The nuances and the treatment applied will be essential to achieve a complete recovery.

Eating disorders are a complicated illness to deal with in your environment. Most people hide it until it becomes obvious, due to the different labels that can be placed on it. The possible stigmatization It doesn't have to be a brake when asking for help.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

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