Apathy: the best tips to stop being apathetic – Online Psychologists

We've all felt like we're lacking energy at some point. We don't feel like leaving the house, doing things, or nothing interests us. If that's the case for you, then you'll be familiar with the apathy.

What is apathy?

Apathy is a constant lack and permanent of emotions, desire or enthusiasm by the things around you.

A person who suffers from apathy enters a state of indifference in which everything is the same. He does not respond emotionally to any kind of stimulus around him.

Sometimes it can be a temporary state. This occurs when apathy arises due to the stress that we suffer daily or in situations that have caused us trauma, such as a traffic accident or dismissal.

However, apathy can persist over time and if not treated it can last longer. This can lead to problems at a social, family and even work level. When it becomes chronic, this state affects all areas of your life, generating a high level of demotivation.

Why go to a psychologist to cure apathy?

Sometimes apathy is a symptom of an underlying mental disorder, such as depression or schizophrenia.

In these cases, it is important to treat the underlying disorder to relieve the symptoms of apathy. In other cases, apathy may be the result of physical health problems, such as fatigue or chronic pain, or stressors in a person's life, such as work stress or family problems.

Going to a psychologist is the most useful tool in treating apathy. Why? For several reasons: a psychologist helps a person identify the underlying causes of their apathy and find ways to address and overcome those problems.

On the other hand, it provides the support and guidance necessary to help a person regain their interest and motivation.

In some cases, the psychologist may recommend medication to treat apathy if he or she feels it is necessary. In short, going to the psychologist can be helpful in treating apathy because he or she can help identify and address the underlying causes and provide support and guidance to improve a person's motivation and interest.

If you have been feeling apathetic for a long time, it may be time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist. At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career We have helped more than 1,900 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of a psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking the button below.

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What can be the causes of apathy?

Among the main causes of apathy we can find fatigue, lack of sleep, boredom and inactivity. But there are also other causes such as:

  • He post-traumatic stressIt can be caused by various situations such as accidents, sexual or physical abuse, a breakup, etc.
  • Stress Everyday life can also be the cause of apathy, as it generates a lack of interest and motivation in people towards what they do on a daily basis.
  • Have little social and emotional life is an important factor in the development of apathy. Being alone all day or not having any contact with almost anyone makes you not want to leave the house, your energy and desire to meet people or do new things decrease. You enter a state of lack of emotions and indifference.
  • Sometimes, the alcohol consumption and others drugs They also generate apathy. This is because it is about inhibitory substances that isolate you from your own emotions and abilities. There comes a time when your only motivation is the consumption of these drugs, because outside of the state you enter when you consume them, you neither feel nor suffer. This can cause problems both physically and mentally.
  • Another possible cause is the drug use like drugs antihistamines, antidepressants either neuroleptics. Its function is to prevent allergies and help with depression, however, its side effects may include: generate fatigue and sleep in people. Sometimes, it reaches levels where tiredness or sleep levels cause a person to feel lack of desire to carry out daily activities, and apathy may develop.

What are the symptoms of apathy?

Within the symptoms of apathy, we can establish a series of common signs or signals:

  • Loss of motivationPeople experience a rapid decline in interest in doing things; nothing motivates them.
  • Lower labor activity and productivity. This decrease in motivation will lead to lower productivity both on a personal and professional level.
  • The time you spend on activities you used to be interested in decreases. Leisure time, exercise or relationships with others are no longer relevant.
  • Loss of initiative. When apathy appears, people stop being creative and lose the desire to undertake new projects.
  • Personal abandonment. Because they show a general lack of interest, they do not even bother or worry about themselves. They put aside their hygiene or personal care.
  • Lack of emotional responses. They do not express emotion in response to any kind of stimulus, regardless of its nature. It does not matter if it is something positive or negative.

How can it be overcome?

  • Practice some hobby. Hobbies are a good source of motivation that helps us stay active. Practicing our favorite activities generates good energy and positive thoughts. We secrete endorphins that bring us happiness and general well-being.
  • ExerciseIt is not good to lead a sedentary lifestyle. This eventually creates a feeling of general malaise, we stagnate and end up feeling apathetic. To avoid this, it is advisable to exercise frequently. It is not necessary to do it for hours, 30 minutes a day is enough to increase levels of well-being.
  • Get organized. Maintaining an organized life, both socially and professionally, is a good way to avoid apathy. Learning to allocate your time and knowing how to make the most of it will reduce stress and prevent apathy from developing.
  • Look for inspiration. When we feel unmotivated, looking for sources of inspiration is beneficial for us. You can resort to listening to your favorite music, dancing or reading. Focus on activities that allow you to disconnect, you can concentrate on things that make you excited about new projects.
  • Have conversations with other people. When you feel like you've lost interest in everything, it's good to talk to your friends or family. Share what you're feeling. Talking to people you trust is a good way to let off steam and recharge your batteries.

Sometimes all this is not necessary and the best way to deal with apathy is ask a professional for helpA psychologist will help you develop skills to manage your emotions. He or she will also help you regain motivation.

Sometimes apathy is part of a larger problem such as depression or addiction. In this case, it definitely needs to be treated by a professional.

In Psychia We have been experts in online therapy since 2012. We can help you develop the tools necessary to overcome demotivation. If you want to try a first session with our psychologists, do not hesitate to contact us.