What does it mean to dream about your ex? – Online Psychologists

The love separations Breakups are complicated issues for both parties in a relationship, although there is usually one party that suffers more than the other. Whether a breakup is easy or difficult to overcome depends on factors such as personality or how the breakup occurred. But if you are having a hard time, you may have reached the point of dreaming about your ex. What does this fact actually mean?

Dreams have a certain psychological importance. In this article you will find out if you should be worried when, in the middle of the REM phase, the image of the person with whom you shared a period of your life appears.

What does it mean to dream about your ex?

Breakups leave a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up. Dreaming about your ex can be a sign that a deep conversation about the issues is missing. causes and the reasons for separationalthough it is not the only possibility. The appearance of your ex in your dreams can be linked to feelings such as:

  • Nostalgia or longing for the good times spent together.
  • Duel or pain caused by loss.
  • Insecurity: that person has awakened insecurities and you dream about him/her while you idealize him/her, thinking that he/she is the only human being who will pay attention to you.

Dreaming about your ex: the importance of context

You imagine your ex having sex

Within this theme of dreams, there are different meanings. If you often dream about your ex having sex, it is most likely that you miss the moments of intimacy that you had with that person and, from the depths of your interior, you are wishing to consummate the desire. In the event that you dream this situation while you have a partner It could mean that something is not going quite right in that area with your current boyfriend or girlfriend.

You imagine your ex with someone else

If the sexual aspect does not appear in the dream and you only imagine your ex-partner walking, laughing or going out with a third person, the meaning of the dream is complex: there is a link unconscious of union between that person and you, so the fears and insecurities remain latent in the subconscious even though the couple is no longer together.

You imagine your ex getting back with you

Dreaming of reconciliation This is one of the most common situations after a relationship breaks up. This kind of daydream happens, above all, to the person who has not decided to end the relationship. This kind of dream can cause pleasant sensations or, on the contrary, be the nightmare that wakes you up in the middle of the night.

Do you often dream about your ex? Heal your feelings with the help of an online psychologist.

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Breakups are one of the common reasons why a person decides to go to a counselor. psychological consultation. Sometimes, the person decides to seek help immediately after the breakup, so that it does not become a trauma and disrupt your lifePsychological care is of enormous help in these cases.

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