The best self-esteem infographics (downloadable) – Online Psychologists

The self-esteem It is synonymous with the opinion we form about ourselves, a subjective assessment of our worth. Therefore, we understand self-esteem as a term we have for our own value, based on sensations, emotions, experiences and thoughts about ourselves that we have stored throughout our lives.

Throughout the day, many evaluations, impressions and experiences can be generated. All of these together produce a positive feeling towards ourselves or, on the contrary, a negative feeling if the result is not what we expected.

The opinion we have of ourselves is not something hereditary, but is learned based on the evaluations of our behavior, and the internalization and assimilation of other people's opinions of ourselves. Therefore, Self-esteem depends on personal acceptance, never about what you are, know or have.

Self-esteem is fundamental because it drives us to act, to follow our path and motivates us to pursue our goals. In this context, it is an aspect that is constantly evolving, as we are always experiencing new things. This concept is built from when we are children, as we never stop growing. That is, an idea is formed about who we are, whether we are accepted or not and whether we are liked or not. Expectations are formed, and these will allow you to be happy with yourself or not. In short, people will develop high or low self-esteem.

Always do it for and by yourself

Life is four days long, and three have already passed. Let's not be here in a bad mood, let's be here in a good mood, let's love each other. Let's not hate each other, because hate leads nowhere, only to bad things. Pau Donés.

Going to therapy is also an act of self-love.

Keys to improve your self-esteem

Sometimes people are not aware of whether or not they are investing their time well, even though we all have the same amount of time per day to do so.

And you? Do you invest your time well? ⚡

To do this, you need to put the following tips into practice:

  • Choose people who complement your existence 👩‍❤️‍👨

Burdens you shouldn't carry that limit your self-esteem and personal growth

Crying helps with many things. To feel better, too.

You are braver than you thinkstronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

Focusing on ourselves, on our own challenges, will be the healthiest way to improve and grow✨

  • Loving yourself as you are is not an easy task and above all, you have to keep in mind that it cannot be achieved overnight.
  • How can I learn to love myself?

➡️Give yourself a chance

➡️Forgive yourself
➡️Take care of yourself in body and mind

➡️Reinforce your positive aspects

➡️ Learn to enjoy solitude

  • Be patient with yourself 🙇‍♀️

We always ask ourselves to be patient with others, but do we really have patience with ourselves?
Being patient with ourselves means slowing down our self-demands, allowing ourselves to make mistakes and stopping wanting to control everything.

The lack of patience can lead us to have a tiring, unbalanced, chaotic life and pay very expensive emotional bills. Patience is applied from emotional intelligence, where we are aware of both our emotional strengths and our weaknesses.

Although you must not forget that what you really need is to ACCEPT YOURSELF✨
Do you think that happiness lies in acceptance?

(Note that we know that accepting yourself is not easy)

3 tips to heal your self-esteem. Do you apply them?

When a person has low self-esteem, they do not love themselves, do not accept themselves and do not value their qualities, which, in many cases, they are not even capable of seeing. They are likely to stop attending social events, try new things and face challenges for fear of not overcoming them, because they believe they will not be able to achieve it, that is, they lack confidence. For this reason, below are 3 techniques that, if implemented, will help improve self-esteem. It is always a good time to start applying these exercises! Work on your self-esteem with the following practices!🙂

8 things you shouldn't feel guilty about

Do you often feel guilty?

Sometimes we feel guilty even for breathing. When we reach this level of guilt, we must look inside ourselves and identify what is happening to us, why we are feeling guilty.

Getting out of this guilt can be difficult and sometimes impossible if we don't know how to do it and we are not willing.

The first step is to discover where this guilt originated, in order to put an end to it as soon as possible. In many cases, its origin is in childhood.

➡️The power of the word 'no' is often underestimated. However, this word has powers that no other word has.

➡️It is about the power of decision, of demanding our own personal space, that is, establishing the necessary limits to avoid the invasion of our space. In this way, they will be able to live their life as they really want and not as others dictate.

Things you should remind yourself daily

Things you should tell yourself and not forget🤩

We use «body shaming» to refer to a practice that consists of humiliating someone for their physical appearance. But the truth is that body shaming It is not a new practice: we live in a society founded on the cult of a perfect, unreal and unattainable image that lurks in every advertisement, in every shop window and in every corner you can look at.

How do you know if you can give your opinion on a person's physical appearance?
Let's finish it off body shamingcomparisons and unsolicited opinions.
Isn't it better to focus on empathy and respect for others?

Remember: you are not like that ✨

The hugs that we miss so much lately, apart from being a sign of affection, are very beneficial both physically and psychologically.

They are necessary and now limited, something that is being very complicated for everyone.

Save all those moments when you had to keep your distance despite the urge to hug a loved one. Save them and when all this is over, give back all those hugs you kept for yourself.

They are unbeatable. And they don't cost money. 🤗

Guidelines you should follow so that people do not damage your self-esteem

Social relationships are not easy, almost all of us have experienced it first hand. But perhaps you haven't stopped to think that, sometimes, social relationships can be preventing you from being happy.
Don't settle, fight to get what you really want.
Do you identify with any of them?

And if they do, forgive yourself.

It is a very important action. Sometimes, it is much more difficult than forgiving anyone, as it affects self-esteem and security.
But… forgiving is synonymous with continuing to move forward, it is continuing to grow and it is also a great commitment to maintaining our mental health.

In short, work daily on building your self-esteem based on solid, lasting, relevant pillars…

How to create a strong self-esteem?

You are enough: don't compare yourself, don't try to convince anyone.
It's something important and sometimes we forget about it✨

Why is self-love so important?

5 types of self-care

How to stop feeling guilty?